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Flask Restaurant

This app was built as a backend for data related to a restaurant menu. It was built with Flask and uses MongoDB to persist data.

Technologies Used

  • Flask
  • MongoDB
  • MongoEngine


  • Fork and clone this repository
  • Though not required, it is recommended to create a virtual environment for the project
  • run $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run $ flask run
  • navigate to localhost:5000, or use an api testing tool such as Postman


This app takes advantage of MongoDB's schemaless pattern. There is only one model (Entree), which has three fields - name (a string), recommended wine pairings (a list of strings) and allergens (a list of strings)

Admin Panel

The app has an admin panel located at /admin that allows for easy CRUD operations on database records.

API Endpoints

  • GET /entrees - requests to this endpoint return all of the entree documents in the database
  • POST /entrees - requests to this endpoint persist an entree (in the body of the request) to the database
  • GET /entrees/<id> - requests to this endpoint find and return an entree in the database using the id param
  • PUT /entrees/<id> - requests to this endpoint find and update an entree in the database using the id param and an updated entree in the request body
  • DELETE /entrees/<id> - requests to this endpoint delete the selected entree in the database