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A micro-service for looking up addresses in the Ordnance Survey service using a postcode or a UPRN. Requires purchasing an API key from Ordnance Survey


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DVLA Ordnance Survey Service

ordnance-survey is a microservice façade for the Ordnance Survey API, encapsulating organisation-wide configuration such as authentication and licensing.

The codebase is predominantly Scala and is implemented against Spray: a lightweight HTTP framework for the JVM.

The application is calling the service to retrieve addresses from a postcode.

Running the application

The application is running as part of an exemplar by executing the following command on the exemplar:

	sbt sandbox

To run this microservice on its own, you have to create a fat jar and then run this jar. To do so:

	sbt assembly
	java -jar target/scala-2.11/os-address-lookup-XXX.jar

	where XXX is the current version

The listening port is defined in src/main/resources/application.conf, under the `port` property 


Get all addresses in a postcode

To see the raw json returned by the ordnance-survey service, go to this url with a web browser:<INSERT POSTCODE WITHOUT SPACES>&dataset=dpa&key=<INSERT API KEY>

To see how this micro-service will re-format that json to a view model, you can send a curl command the micro-service:

curl http://localhost:8083/postcode-to-address?postcode=<INSERT POSTCODE WITHOUT SPACES>

Get one address for a UPRN

To see the raw json returned by the ordnance-survey service, go to this url with a web browser:<INSERT UPRN>&dataset=dpa&key=<INSERT API KEY>

To see how this micro-service will re-format that json to a view model, you can send a curl command the micro-service:

curl http://localhost:8083/uprn-to-address?uprn=<INSERT UPRN>

Useful Links

Postcode Address File specification

Some interesting false assumptions about addresses

OS Datasets

OS REST API test page


DPA Delivery Point Address (dataset)

LPI Local Property Identifier (dataset)


A micro-service for looking up addresses in the Ordnance Survey service using a postcode or a UPRN. Requires purchasing an API key from Ordnance Survey





