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Table of Contents (Google Cloud with Terraform with disks)

  1. Reporting bugs
  2. Patches and pull requests
  3. License
  4. Code of conduct

Google Cloud with Terraform

  1. Download and Install Terraform
  2. Please create Service Credential of type JSON via, download and save as google.json in credentials folder.
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Upload your public ssh key at and use the corresponding Username value in the console for default_user_name value in
  5. terraform init && terraform plan -out "run.plan" && terraform apply "run.plan". Please note the Environment name prompted during plan may be dev/tst or any other stage.

Via Ansible terraform module

Ansible now has a terraform module and a playbook yml file is included in this repository with a sample inventory with localhost

  1. Clone this repository in the ansible box as cd /data && git clone && cd gcp-terraform.

  2. Check the project_dir variable and change accordingly as required in gcp-terraform_playbook.yml file.

  3. Change the variables as required in gcp-terraform_playbook.yml.

  4. Kick as ansible-playbook -i inventory gcp-terraform_playbook.yml.

Automatic Provisioning


  1. gcloud should be installed. Silent install is - export USERNAME="<<you_user_name>>" && export SHARE_DATA=/data && su -c "export SHARE_DATA=/data && export CLOUDSDK_INSTALL_DIR=$SHARE_DATA export CLOUDSDK_CORE_DISABLE_PROMPTS=1 && curl | bash" $USERNAME && echo "export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/libexec/bin/python" /etc/profile.d/ && echo "source $SHARE_DATA/google-cloud-sdk/" >> /etc/profile.d/ && echo "source $SHARE_DATA/google-cloud-sdk/" >> /etc/profile.d/ &&

  2. Please create Service Credential of type JSON via, download and save as google.json in credentials folder of the gcp-terraform

  3. Default user name is the local username


terraform init && terraform plan -var distro=ubuntu_or_centos count_vms=1 -var default_user_name=Your_User_Name -var disk_default_size=100 -var environment=dev -var region=europe-west4 -var machinetag=dev -var zone=europe-west4-a -var projectname=The_Project_Name -out "run.plan"


terraform apply "run.plan"


terraform destroy -var count_vms=1 -var default_user_name=Your_User_Name -var disk_default_size=100 -var environment=dev -var region=europe-west4 -var machinetag=dev -var zone=europe-west4-a -var projectname=The_Project_Name

RKernel Jupyter Installation

This is presently only for distro ubuntu

## Kill the notebook server

ps -eaf|grep jupyter|awk '{print $2}'|head -n 1|xargs kill -9

## Install IRkernel package

install_pack_irk='install.packages("IRkernel", repos="")'

echo $install_pack_irk | sudo R --no-save

## ir installspec

Rscript -e 'IRkernel::installspec()'

## start the notebook server
cd /data

jupyter notebook --ip> /data/jupyter-notebook-server.log 2>&1 &

## Get the token from /data/jupyter-notebook-server.log

## login to <ip>:8888 with the token 

Create a HA k8s Cluster as IAAS

One can create a Fully HA k8s Cluster using k3sup

curl -sLSf | sh && sudo install -m k3sup /usr/local/bin/

One can now use k3sup

  1. Obtain the Public IPs for the instances running as such gcloud compute instances --list or obtain just the Public IPs as gcloud compute instances list|awk '{print $5}'

  2. one can use to create a cluster with first ip as master

    k3sup install --cluster --ip <<Any of the Public IPs>> --user <<Your default gcloud user>> --ssh-key <<the location of the gcp_compute_engine private key like ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine>>

  3. one can also join another IP as master or node For master:

    k3sup join --server --ip <<Any of the other Public IPs>> --user <<Your default gcloud user>> --ssh-key <<the location of the gcp_compute_engine private key like ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine>> --server-ip <<The Server Public IP>> 

or also as normal node:

k3sup join --ip <<Any of the other Public IPs>> --user <<Your default gcloud user>> --ssh-key <<the location of the gcp_compute_engine private key like ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine>> --server-ip <<The Server Public IP>> 

or one can do it on three boxes via this simple script

terraform init && terraform plan -var count_vms=3 -var default_user_name=<> -var disk_default_size=20 -var environment=dev -var projectname=<> -out gcp.plan && terraform apply gcp.plan
export SERVER_IP=$(gcloud compute instances list   --filter=tags.items=rancher  --format json|jq -r '.[].networkInterfaces[].accessConfigs[].natIP'|head -n 1)
k3sup install --cluster --ip $SERVER_IP --user $(whoami)  --ssh-key ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine --k3s-extra-args '--no-deploy traefik --docker'
gcloud compute instances list   --filter=tags.items=rancher  --format json|jq -r '.[].networkInterfaces[].accessConfigs[].natIP'|tail -n+2|xargs -I {} k3sup join --server-ip $SERVER_IP --ip {}  --user $(whoami) --ssh-key ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine --k3s-extra-args --docker
export KUBECONFIG=`pwd`/kubeconfig
kubectl get nodes -o wide -w
kubectl apply -f pd.yaml
kubectl patch storageclass local-path -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"false"}}}'
kubectl patch storageclass slow -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs by opening an issue in the GitHub Issue Tracker. Bugs have auto template defined. Please view it here

Patches and pull requests

Patches can be submitted as GitHub pull requests. If using GitHub please make sure your branch applies to the current master as a 'fast forward' merge (i.e. without creating a merge commit). Use the git rebase command to update your branch to the current master if necessary.


Code of Conduct