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Merge pull request skoczen#1 from chromano/master
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Support for backends from chromano
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Steven Skoczen committed Jun 20, 2011
2 parents f9eaf5c + 9828be9 commit 96d1035
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57 changes: 38 additions & 19 deletions
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
`django-ajax-uploader` provides a useful class you can use to easily implement ajax uploads.

It uses valum's great uploader: ,and draws heavy inspiration and some code from
It uses valum's great uploader: , and draws heavy inspiration and some code from

In short, it implements a callable class, `AjaxFileUploader` that you can subclass use to handle uploads. By default, `AjaxFileUploader` assumes you want to upload to Amazon's S3 (and do so expediently!), but can be subclassed to change this behavior if desired. Pull requests welcome!
In short, it implements a callable class, `AjaxFileUploader` that you can use to handle uploads. By default, `AjaxFileUploader` assumes you want to upload to Amazon's S3, but you can select any other backend if desired or write your own (see backends section below). Pull requests welcome!

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,29 +74,48 @@ This sample is included in the templates directory, but at the minimum, you need

Step 4. Subclass and override if needed.
That's all you need to get rolling. However, it's likely you actually want to do something with those files the user just uploaded. For that, you can subclass AjaxFileUploader, and override functions and constants. AjaxFileUploader has a fair bit of configurability. The example below shows all of the most common functions and constants redefined.

class MyAjaxFileUploader(AjaxFileUploader):
NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSES = 48 # Your servers are way better than mine
BUFFER_SIZE = 10485760 # 100MB # In the future, 10 MB is nothing.
Backend Selection

def _update_filename(self, request, filename):
# This example timestamps the filename, so we know they're always unique.
import time
return "import/%s.%s" % (int(time.time()), filename,)
Backends are available in `ajaxuploader.backends`. To select the backend you want to use simply specify the `backend` parameter when instantiating `AjaxFileUploader`. For instance, if you want to the use `LocalUploadBackend` in order to store the uploaded files locally:

def _upload_complete(self, request, filename):
print "Save the fact that %s's upload was completed to the database, and do important things!" % filename
return {}

from ajaxuploader.backends.local import LocalUploadBackend

import_uploader = AjaxFileUploader(backend=LocalUploadBackend)

Each backend has its own configuration. As an example, the `LocalUploadBackend` has the constant `UPLOAD_DIR` which specifies where the files should be stored, based on `MEDIA_ROOT`. By default, the `UPLOAD_DIR` is set to `uploads`, which means the files will be stored at `MEDIA_ROOT/UPLOAD_DIR`. If you want to use an alternative place for storing the files, you need to set a new value for this constant:

from ajaxuploader.backends.local import LocalUploadBackend

LocalUploadBackend.UPLOAD_DIR = "tmp"
import_uploader = AjaxFileUploader(backend=LocalUploadBackend)

Similarly, the `ThumbnailUploadBackend` has the constant `DIMENSION`, which determines the dimension of the thumbnail image that will be created. The string format for this constant is the same as for `sorl-thumbnail`.

Backends Available

The following backends are available:

* `local.LocalUploadBackend`: Store the file locally. You can specify the directory where files will be saved through the `UPLOAD_DIR` constant. This backend will also include in the response sent to the client a `path` variable with the path in the server where the file can be accessed.
* `s3.S3UploadBackend`: Store the file in Amazon S3.
* `thumbnail.ThumbnailUploadBackend`: Depends on `sorl-thumbnail`. Used for images upload that needs re-dimensioning/cropping. Like `LocalUploadBackend`, it includes in the response a `path` variable pointing to the image in the server. The image dimension can be set through `ThumbnailUploadBackend.DIMENSION`, by default it is set to "100x100".

my_uploader = MyAjaxFileUploader()

In order to write your custom backend, you need to inherit from `backends.base.AbstractUploadBackend` and implement the `upload_chunk` method, which will receive the string representing a chunk of data that was just read from the client. The following methods are optional and should be implement if you want to take advantage of their purpose:

Advanced Usage / Not uploading to S3
At the moment, ajax-upload is built for s3. However, you can easily redefine the `_save_upload` method, and save the stream/file wherever you'd like. Pull requests are welcome for further abstraction.
* `setup`: given the original filename, do any pre-processing needed before uploading the file (for example, for S3 backend, this method is used to establish a connection with S3 server).
* `update_filename`: given the `request` object and the original name of the file being updated, returns a new filename which will be used to refer to the file being saved, also this filename will be returned to the client.
* `upload_complete`: receives the `request` object and the updated filename (as described on `update_filename`) and do any processing needed after upload is complete (like croping the image or disconnecting from the server). If a dict is returned, it is used to update the response returned to the client.

Expand Down
Empty file.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions ajaxuploader/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
class AbstractUploadBackend(object):
BUFFER_SIZE = 10485760 # 10MB

def setup(self, filename):
"""Responsible for doing any pre-processing needed before the upload

def update_filename(self, request, filename):
"""Returns a new name for the file being uploaded."""

def upload_chunk(self, chunk):
"""Called when a string was read from the client."""
raise NotImplementedError

def upload_complete(self, request, filename):
"""Overriden to performs any actions needed post-upload, and returns
a dict to be added to the render / json context"""

def upload(self, uploaded, filename, raw_data):
if raw_data:
# File was uploaded via ajax, and is streaming in.
chunk =
while len(chunk) > 0:
chunk =
# File was uploaded via a POST, and is here.
for chunk in uploaded.chunks():
return True
# things went badly.
return False
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions ajaxuploader/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
from io import FileIO, BufferedWriter
import os
from StringIO import StringIO

from django.conf import settings

from ajaxuploader.backends.base import AbstractUploadBackend

class LocalUploadBackend(AbstractUploadBackend):
UPLOAD_DIR = "uploads"

def setup(self, filename):
self._path = os.path.join(
settings.MEDIA_ROOT, self.UPLOAD_DIR, filename)
self._dest = BufferedWriter(FileIO(self._path, "wb"))

def upload_chunk(self, chunk):

def upload_complete(self, request, filename):
path = settings.MEDIA_URL + self.UPLOAD_DIR + "/" + filename
return {"path": path}
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions ajaxuploader/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
from multiprocessing import Pool
from StringIO import StringIO

import boto
from django.conf import settings

from ajaxuploader.backends.base import AbstractUploadBackend

class S3UploadBackend(AbstractUploadBackend):

def _upload_chunk(self, chunk):
buffer = StringIO()
self._mp.upload_part_from_file(buffer, self._counter))
self._counter += 1

def setup(self, filename):
self._bucket = boto.connect_s3(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
self._mp = self._bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(filename)
self._pool = Pool(processes=self.NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSES)
self._counter = 0

def upload_complete(self, request, filename):
# Tie up loose ends, and finish the upload
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions ajaxuploader/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import os

from django.conf import settings
from sorl.thumbnail import get_thumbnail

from ajaxuploader.backends.local import LocalUploadBackend

class ThumbnailUploadBackend(LocalUploadBackend):
DIMENSION = "100x100"

def upload_complete(self, request, filename):
thumbnail = get_thumbnail(self._path, self.DIMENSION)
if not self.KEEP_ORIGINAL:
return {"path": settings.MEDIA_URL +}
63 changes: 33 additions & 30 deletions ajaxuploader/templates/django-ajax-uploader/sample.html
@@ -1,36 +1,39 @@
<!doctype html>
<script src="{{STATIC_URL}}django-ajax-uploader/fileuploader.js" ></script>
<link href="{{STATIC_URL}}django-ajax-uploader/fileuploader.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader( {
action: "/sample-upload/",
element: $('#file-uploader')[0],
multiple: true,
onComplete: function( id, fileName, responseJSON ) {
if( responseJSON.success )
alert( "success!" ) ;
alert( "upload failed!" ) ;
onAllComplete: function( uploads ) {
// uploads is an array of maps
// the maps look like this: { file: FileObject, response: JSONServerResponse }
alert( "All complete!" ) ;
params: {
'csrf_token': '{{ csrf_token }}',
'csrf_name': 'csrfmiddlewaretoken',
'csrf_xname': 'X-CSRFToken',
}) ;
<script src="" ></script>
<script src="{{STATIC_URL}}django-ajax-uploader/fileuploader.js" ></script>
<link href="{{STATIC_URL}}django-ajax-uploader/fileuploader.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<div id="file-uploader">
<p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p>
<div id="file-uploader">
<p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p>

var uploader = new qq.FileUploader( {
action: "{% url my_ajax_upload %}",
element: $('#file-uploader')[0],
multiple: true,
onComplete: function( id, fileName, responseJSON ) {
if( responseJSON.success )
alert( "success!" ) ;
alert( "upload failed!" ) ;
onAllComplete: function( uploads ) {
// uploads is an array of maps
// the maps look like this: { file: FileObject, response: JSONServerResponse }
alert( "All complete!" ) ;
params: {
'csrf_token': '{{ csrf_token }}',
'csrf_name': 'csrfmiddlewaretoken',
'csrf_xname': 'X-CSRFToken',
}) ;

107 changes: 34 additions & 73 deletions ajaxuploader/
@@ -1,97 +1,58 @@
from StringIO import StringIO
from multiprocessing import Pool
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, Http404
import boto
import json
from django.conf import settings

from ajaxuploader.backends.s3 import S3UploadBackend

class AjaxFileUploader(object):
BUFFER_SIZE = 10485760 # 10MB
def __init__(self, backend=None):
if backend is None:
backend = S3UploadBackend
self._backend = backend()

def __call__(self,request):
return self._ajax_upload(request)

def _update_filename(self, request, filename):
return filename

def _upload_complete(self, request, filename):
"""Overriden to performs any actions needed post-upload, and
returns a dict to be added to the render / json context"""
return {}

def _upload_chunk(self, pool, mp, chunk, counter):
buffer = StringIO()
pool.apply_async(mp.upload_part_from_file(buffer, counter))

def _save_upload(self, uploaded, filename, raw_data ):
bucket = boto.connect_s3(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY).lookup(settings.AWS_BUCKET_NAME)
mp = bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(filename)
pool = Pool(processes=self.NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSES)
counter = 0

if raw_data:
# File was uploaded via ajax, and is streaming in.
chunk =
while len(chunk) > 0:
counter += 1
self._upload_chunk(pool, mp, chunk, counter)
chunk =
# File was uploaded via a POST, and is here.
for chunk in uploaded.chunks():
counter += 1
self._upload_chunk(pool, mp, chunk, counter)

# Tie up loose ends, and finish the upload
return True

# things went badly.
return False

def _ajax_upload(self, request):
if request.method == "POST":
if request.is_ajax():
# the file is stored raw in the request
upload = request
is_raw = True
# AJAX Upload will pass the filename in the querystring if it is the "advanced" ajax upload
# AJAX Upload will pass the filename in the querystring if it
# is the "advanced" ajax upload
filename = request.GET[ 'qqfile' ]
filename = request.GET['qqfile']
except KeyError:
return HttpResponseBadRequest( "AJAX request not valid" )
# not an ajax upload, so it was the "basic" iframe version with submission via form
return HttpResponseBadRequest("AJAX request not valid")
# not an ajax upload, so it was the "basic" iframe version with
# submission via form
is_raw = False
if len( request.FILES ) == 1:
# FILES is a dictionary in Django but Ajax Upload gives the uploaded file an
# ID based on a random number, so it cannot be guessed here in the code.
# Rather than editing Ajax Upload to pass the ID in the querystring,
# observe that each upload is a separate request,
# so FILES should only have one entry.
# Thus, we can just grab the first (and only) value in the dict.
upload = request.FILES.values()[ 0 ]
if len(request.FILES) == 1:
# FILES is a dictionary in Django but Ajax Upload gives
# the uploaded file an ID based on a random number, so it
# cannot be guessed here in the code. Rather than editing
# Ajax Upload to pass the ID in the querystring, observe
# that each upload is a separate request, so FILES should
# only have one entry. Thus, we can just grab the first
# (and only) value in the dict.
upload = request.FILES.values()[0]
raise Http404( "Bad Upload" )
raise Http404("Bad Upload")
filename =

# custom filename handler
filename = self._update_filename(request, filename)

# custom filename handler
filename = (self._backend.update_filename(request, filename)
or filename)
# save the file
success = self._save_upload( upload, filename, is_raw )

success = self._backend.upload(upload, filename, is_raw)
# callback
extra_context = self._upload_complete(request, filename)
extra_context = self._backend.upload_complete(request, filename)

# let Ajax Upload know whether we saved it or not
ret_json = { 'success': success, }
return HttpResponse( json.dumps( ret_json ) )
ret_json = {'success': success, 'filename': filename}
if extra_context is not None:

return HttpResponse(json.dumps(ret_json))

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