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Devin Brite edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the wgpu-rendering-project wiki!

Here I'll be taking notes on the usage of wgpu. It will probably be pretty scattered, but maybe I'll format it into something useful one day.

The wgpu workflow is very similar to vulkan

Vulkan Wgpu
Create Instance --
Create Surface Create Surface
Select physical device Request physical device "adapter"
Create logical device & get queues Request logical device & get queues
Create pools* Create pools*
Create render pass(es) Create render pass(es)
Create swapchain and get images Create swapchain and get images

To get started with wgpu, Learn Wgpu is probably the best resource. But I got a little lost with all the code. I'm much better with reading an docs and an overview of systems, then putting everything together myself. That's why I'm writing this wiki! My goal is to describe how to use wgpu in as few words as possible, and with near-zero code.

In the wise words of Ernest Hemingway: "Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick"?

Once you have a window and swapchain, it's time to Draw You a Triangle for Great Good!

* I have no idea how similar creating resource pools is, but uh... let's just call it close enough.


  • Projection matrices +/ uniforms
  • Instancing