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The Apicurio registry artifact operator


This operator aims to provide Kubernetes CRD's to manage the lifecycle of artifacts with meta data and versions.
This will enable DevOps teams to manage all artifacts provided by the Apicurio Registry with GitOps and can build process based on it.


There for this operator implemented with operator-sdk and golang is implemented. It will keep track on a CRD and keep the Apicurio Registry in-sync with the defined CRD's in Kubernetes.


The operator will use the API provided by the Apicurio found at
This implementation takes the openAPI definition of the Apicurio Registry API and converts the definition into a golang client SDK.
On reconciliation the client SDK will be used to represent the CRD defined state in the Registry.



The version of the Apicurio registry don't correspond to the version in the content (e.g. OpenAPI version).
Apicurio will look at the content and decides by itself.
The API is configured with RETURN_OR_UPDATE.

If you like to have control over the version yourself, it's suggested you create a artifact for each version.


If you delete a CRD the operator will not delete the artifact as it's possible that other parties rely on your artifact.
If you like physically delete the artifact you can do so by setting the metadata annotation apicurio.artifact.operator/force-delete: "true".


For development you should use minikube or any other possible kubernetes compatible implementation, as advised by the operator-sdk framework.
Second you have to define the Apicurio registry endpoint with a environment variable called export APICURIO_ENDPOINT=

Update the Apicurio Registry client SDK

In install the oapi-codegen. For example by running ´go get´.
Next make sure you updated the ´registry_api/openapi.yaml´ and run

oapi-codegen --config=./registry_api/config.yaml ./registry_api/openapi.yaml

You have to remove all format: date-time and change to type: integer as of issue 1215

Update the CRD

To update the CRD use the following command

make generate
make manifests

Build and run

To install the CRD to the Kubernetes and run the operator outside of Kubernetes use

make install run

Apicurio Registry (dev)

You can find a simple in-memory deployment for the Apicurio Registry in ´config/samples/apicurio_registry.yaml´.
To access the UI you can open a tunnel to the service. In minikube you do so with ´minikube service apicurio-registry --url´.

Just make sure your using virtualbox on macOS, else you can't expose node ports

Don't use this in production!!! Use something like the Registry operator instead.


To update the docker image use this command

make docker-build docker-push

After this you can run with

make deploy

Don't forget to set env APICURIO_ENDPOINT.

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