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BamBirds 2022

Warning: Some of the setup described here is specific to the way the project is setup internally. Some of the things like the angry birds server or our setup of the ABServer cannot be provided publicly because of legal constraints.

If you want to contribute / collaborate with us, please contact Diedrich Wolter

[Team Description](doc/Team Descriptions/

Repository structure

BamBirds is a gradle project and contains the following modules:

Additional Resources and Information can be found here:

  • doc/: documentation, project reports etc.
  • game/: files required to install and start the AngryBirds Game (including instructions in README file), custom levels (with chrome extension), level editor


  • Install Java >= 8, <= 17 (Optimally >= 12 so the same jdk can be used for ScienceBirds)
  • Install SWI-Prolog >= 8.2.4
    • Make sure to set PATH_TO_SWIPL in to the executable on the system if is not located on the PATH (System Variables on Windows)
  • A c++ compiler for native prolog libraries
    • Windows:
      • To get it fully working use wsl and follow linux instructions
      • Otherwise the native prolog libraries will not be included (would be used for advanced rebound calculations)
    • Linux, MacOS, WSL:
  • (Optional) Python >= 3.8 for some modules and evaluation

Or if you want to run with docker:

  • docker
  • docker-compose

Using AngryBirds (via Chromium)

Using ScienceBirds

Run from distribution

The distribution contains a bin and a lib folder.

To run the agent, run the command


Configuration can be done either with the config/ file or with commandline options.

For more information run

./bin/bambirds --help

Run from source

Make sure you are in the root directory of the BamBird repository (the same directory this very file is located in).

With AngryBirds

  1. Open this url in Chromium:

    Make sure System is correctly configured. You have to select SD mode of the Angry Birds game, otherwise the Agent won't work.

  2. Run the AIBirds server:

    Open a terminal and enter the following command:

    ./gradlew game:abserver:run

    This will open the server application.

  3. Run the Agent:

    Open another terminal and enter this command:

    ./gradlew :run

    Now the server application should have detected a connected client. Press Start in the server application.

    Make sure to set SERVER_TYPE=ANGRY_BIRDS in the configuration

  4. Shutdown:

    Server: simply close the server application window or open the terminal in which you started the server and press Ctrl-C.

    Agent: open the terminal in which you started the agent and press Ctrl-C.

With Docker

You can simplify the approach with docker. By default the docker-compose.yml file only contains the game and connection server.

docker-compose up -d

Then open the URL in Chromium Make sure System is correctly configured (Running the game is already done with the previous command)

To run the agent in docker as well, you can create a docker-compose.override.yml with the following content:

    working_dir: /bambirds
    # If your user id is not 1000, change it to your userid (`id -u` on linux)
    # It is not required, but highly advised to set this, since then all generated gradle files are not
    # created with the wrong permissions
    user: "1000"
      - ./:/bambirds
      - ./gradlew 
      - :run
      - --args=-h abserver

Then start this container with

docker-compose up -d agent

If you want to execute other commands inside the agent, replace the command with your command or the following:

      - sh
      - -c
      - while :; do sleep 2073600; done

Then use this to execute a command inside the container (bash for normal shell):

docker-compose exec agent <your command>

Important is here, that this will most of the time not work on native windows because of the nasty \r and the different filesystem. If you want to run on windows, you are better off cloning the project in wsl.

With ScienceBirds

  1. Start the ScienceBirds Unity Game

  2. Run the AIBirds server:

    Open the folder sciencebirdsframework and use java 12 or higher to run. For example:

    /usr/lib/jvm/java-13-openjdk/bin/java -jar game_playing_interface.jar

    This will start the server application.

  3. Run the Agent:

    Open another terminal and enter this command:

    ./gradlew :run

    Make sure to set SERVER_TYPE=SCIENCE_BIRDS in the configuration

  4. Shutdown:

    Server: open the terminal in which you started the server and press Ctrl-C.

    Agent: open the terminal in which you started the agent and press Ctrl-C.

Using Gradle

The BamBird agent can be compiled, run and packaged using Gradle.

Use one of the following tasks:

  • tasks

    Display all available Tasks

  • game:abserver:run

    Execute the AIBirds server (game/abserver).

  • :run

    Execute the BamBird agent (de.uniba.sme.bambirds.BamBirds).

    Configuration should be done via the config/ file.

    For testing purposes the default values should be just fine.

    The : before run is required to only run the root project and not other projects with the application plugin

  • test

    Run JUnit tests

  • distTar/distZip

    Create a tar/zip containing executables, all dependencies and Prolog files in the build/distributions/ directory. Files in src/main/dist will be included.

  • compileJava

    Compile all Java files

  • clean

    Remove the build/ directory.

  • javadoc

    Generate the javadoc in build/docs/javadoc directory

  • <subproject>:<task> Execute a Task for a subproject


All configuration is saved in config/ (file is created on the first execution of the agent):

Name Options/Type Use Access in source
HOST any server domain or ip the location of ABServer or SBServer Settings.SERVER_HOST
GAME_MODE COMPETITION | TRAINING | DEMO can be used for changing mode of Agent between competition or training. The demo mode enables the visual export of the generated plans and display in Java (requires pdflatex and convert, for windows install ImageMagick and GhostScript). Settings.GAME_MODE
ROUNDS int value when level-selection disabled the number of complete rounds to play, -1 for unlimited Settings.ROUNDS
TEAM_ID uint value The id used to connect to server Settings.TEAM_ID
SERVER_TYPE ANGRY_BIRDS | SCIENCE_BIRDS Switch between the ABServer and SBServer (they have slightly different APIs) Settings.SERVER_TYPE
START_LEVEL int value The id of the first level to play Settings.START_LEVEL
PATH_TO_SWIPL file path or command The location of the swipl executable (On windows for example "C:\\Program Files\\swipl\\bin\\swipl") Settings.PATH_TO_SWIPL
LEVEL_RANGE int value The range of levels to play, 0 for all available, 1 for only the START_LEVEL Settings.START_LEVEL
VISUAL_DEBUG_ENABLED boolean value Enable Visual Debugging Settings.VISUAL_DEBUG_ENABLED
EXPORT_LEVEL_STATS boolean value Export level statistics Settings.EXPORT_LEVEL_STATS
DISABLE_LEVEL_SELECTION boolean value Disable the level seletction completely and run levels iterative Settings.DISABLE_LEVEL_SELECTION
LEVEL_SELECTION_FIRST_ROUND_ITERATIVE boolean value Run the first round of levels iterative Settings.LEVEL_SELECTION_FIRST_ROUND_ITERATIVE

Optionally also cli arguments can be passed to gradle with

./gradlew run --args='--help'

Python execution

Some modules and scripts are written in python. The entrypoint is where the entrypoints for the modules are reqistered.

Before execution you need to install some dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run to see all registered modules:

python --help


  • Verify that Gradle picks the correct Java version by running ./gradlew --version.
  • Verify that you have the correct Chromium version
  • Verify that you can execute swi-prolog from the command line: swipl (or the path you have set in
  • (DEMO Mode on windows) Verify that you have both ImageMagick and GhostScript installed and available from the command line. Try magick.exe situation1-1.pdf situation1-1.jpg


The Debugging can be done also via gradle with an external debugger like in eclipse, intellij or vscode (with the "Debugger for Java" extension)

Run the jvm in debugging mode with

./gradlew :run --debug-jvm

and then attach to it on Port 5005. For VSCode the debugging task "Debug (Attach) - Local" will do exactly that.