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Secure URL Sanitization for Vue.js Applications


I built this to help with safe URL sanitization in VueJs application. Under the hood, we levarage sanitize-url

Note: The plugin has a bundle size of 1.59 kB, and you can also check its details on bundlephobia.


Install the package using your preferred package manager:

npm install v-safe-url

# or

yarn add v-safe-url

# or

pnpm add v-safe-url


In your Vue.js app entry file (main.ts or main.js), include the following:

  // In main.js or similar
  import { createApp } from 'vue';
  import VueSafeUrl from 'v-safe-url';

  const app = createApp(App);


Apply the v-safe-url directive in your a link HTML tags to securely sanitize URLs.

Note: The directive shoudl be used on <a> tags since it will inject the href attribute. If you need to use usesafeUrl in non-links, I suggest you check out the useSafeUrl

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const untrustedUrl = ref('\u200D\u0000\u001F\x00\x1F\uFEFFfoo');

    <a v-safe-url="untrustedUrl" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Click Here for a Safe Link</a> <!-- -->


Alternatively, if you prefer to sanitize the URL within the <script> tag, import useSafeUrl from v-safe-url.

<script setup>
import { useSafeUrl } from 'v-safe-url';
import { ref } from 'vue';

const uncleanUrl = ref('\u200D\u0000\u001F\x00\x1F\uFEFFfoo');
const safeUrl = useSafeUrl(uncleanUrl.value);

    <h1>Unsafe URL: {{ uncleanUrl }}</h1>
    <h2>Safe URL: {{ safeUrl }}</h2>

If you encounter any issues, find a bug, wish to request a new feature, or propose general refactoring, please open an issue for discussion. Your feedback is valuable, and I appreciate your contributions. I hope this helps!


MIT License © 2023-PRESENT John Philip