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Repository for Autonomous Vehicle Challenge - Group: A-Team - for ENGR101 at Victoria University of Wellington

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Autonomous Vehicle Challenge - A Team

Repository for Autonomous Vehicle Challenge (AVC) by A-Team, as part of ENGR101 at Victoria University of Wellington

Members and Roles

  • Ahmed Mohamed (Ahmedmohame1)
    • Hardware (Designing shape of robot and 3D printing, working with others in their hardware-related jobs)
  • Andrew McGhie (mgoo)
    • Networking (Communicating with starting gate)
    • Class Planning (Planning how the different class will fit together)
    • Code Integration (Merging all of our code together)
  • Benjamin Percy (Radroaches)
    • Wall Quadrant Tracking (Making robot react to processed information from IR sensors)
    • Sensors (Making use of camera sensor information)
  • Daniel Bakes (CenturionBakes)
    • Motors (Making the robot move and coding movement functions)
  • Dylan Chong (dylan-chong)
    • Project Management (Distributing tasks, overseeing project)
    • Devops (Git management, setting things up and making sure everyone can get started coding)
    • PID (Controlling direction of the pi, reacting to camera data)
  • Jonah Ease (dayyad)
    • Sensors (Making use of IR sensor information)
    • Navigation (Algorithms to navigate through the line and wall mazes)

Relevant Documents

- [Original AVC Project Plan (Read Only)]( - [Team Notes (Private Access Only)]( - [Elf's Wiki](

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Progress and Milestones

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Note: This log hasn't been updated by most of us

Week 8 (Wed 20 - Sun 24 April) - First Week

Milestone Checklist

(based off milestones from project plan)
  • Everyone: Produce AVC Plan
  • Ahmed, Daniel: Get robot to move
  • Dylan: Sort out a GitHub repository
  • Dylan (+Everyone): Distribute roles

Minor Task Checklist

(includes assigned tasks, including small ones, and their progress)
  • Andrew: Start writing Networking code
  • Ahmed: Begin planning ideas for model
  • Ahmed, Daniel: Get motors working
  • Ben: Be able to SSH into Pi
  • Daniel: Begin making robot move in straight line
  • Dylan: Organise team meetings
  • Jonah: Start looking up how to convert IR sensor readings into distance

Daily Log

Wednesday 20/04/16
Regular Lab
- Ahmed - Worked on motors with Daniel - Print out sheet to sign (ended up writing signatures on paper and taking photo) - Andrew - Networking - Wrote code (done) - Ben - Found out how to SSH into the pi - Skimmed through avc plan doc and creating todo list for the Project Plan - Daniel - Movement in straight line - Wrote C++ code (but not tested) - Dylan - Writing down notes and todos, assigning tasks - Github repository - Add everyone to a new GitHub repository - Created a .gitignore file that blocks Eclipse project files - Distributed roles (subject to change) (talked as a group) - Jonah - Created google folder with avc plan doc - Learning how to use git from Andrew
Working on Project Plan at 8pm (who was there)
- Andrew - Ben - Daniel - Dylan - Jonah
Thursday 21/04/16
Afternoon (extra work)
- Andrew - ??? What did you do Thurs afternoon?
Working on Project Plan at 730pm
Andrew - Ben - Daniel - Dylan - Jonah
Friday 22/04/16
Extra Lab
- Ahmed - Figuring out how to use FreeCAD - ??? What progress did you make on this? - Daniel - Got motors working - Dylan - Got git repository working on the pi - Added CodeBlocks files to .gitignore file - Jonah - Learnt about connecting via ssh to the PI
Extra work)
- Dylan - Merged GitHub branches to get rid of unnecessary movement branches (done) - Reorganised file structure of GitHub repo (done) - Andrew - Created template class and test files
Saturday 23/04/16
Extra work
- Dylan - Moved some files in GitHub
Sunday 24/04/16
Extra work
- Dylan - Added some of the milestone checklist to GitHub readme

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Week 9 (Mon 25 - Sun 1 May) - Mid-Trimester Break

Milestone Checklist

- [x] Dylan: Move logs to GitHub readme and have it be up to date

Minor Task Checklist


Daily Log

Monday 25/04/16
Extra work
- Dylan - Moved logs from AVC Team Notes (Google Doc) to GitHub readme - Added checklists from Team Notes doc and added tasks for next week - Removed all the movement branches from GitHub to prevent anyone from committing to them (I had to merge the movement-straight-line branch and then delete the AVC_movement file to do so).



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Week 10 (Mon 2 - Sun 8 May)

Milestone Checklist

- [x] Everyone, Ahmed: Complete Skeleton robot design (functional parts and structure only) - Position of sensors have been planned - [ ] Daniel: Have AVC follow straight lines - Motor code is still in progress (motors do work, buthave been disconnected) - [ ] Ahmed: Create ball bearing for robot - We may not need a ball bearing - we will decide later if we need it (not crucial) - [x] Andrew, Dylan: Plan classes and methods - Classes have been planned - [x] Dylan: Add method stubs to test-module files for others to work on - Method stubs have been added to test-module files - [x] Ben: Be able to receive data from camera - The camera works, but algorithm in progress - [ ] Jonah: Be able to sense distance from IR sensor - IR Sensor code is still in progress (need catch up)

Minor Task Checklist

- [x] Dylan: Record cost of parts so far (3D printed parts don't cost, so budget not a high priority)

Daily Log

Wednesday 04/05/16
- Dylan - Got the camera temporary code working (copied from the Kaiwhata wiki) and can remotely compile and run it (worked with Ben) - Made a template for the IR sensor (test project) for Jonah - Began planning how the main loop will work
  • Jonah Andrew tought me the correct method for laying out the methods and classes that i will be working with this week, also got Eclipse hooked up with git hub
Thursday 05/05/16
- Andrew - Worked with Dylan on Plan (see Dylan's entry) - Dylan - Planned a lot more of the main loop, this time planning out how it will fit with different classes - Worked with Andrew on the main loop plans/how everything fits together (plan completed for now)
Friday 06/05/16
- Dylan - Moved method stubs, that I planned with Andrew yesterday, into the test-modules for others to implement. - Planned some basic outline code for tracking algorithm

Extra Info

  • Ahmed has been able to print off some parts to attach sensors to, and get some recycled parts to hold the robot

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Week 11 (Mon 9 - Sun 15 May)

Milestone Checklist

- [ ] Ahmed: Produce body prototype - [ ] Andrew: Robot can successfully talk to gate - [ ] Ben: Data from camera is processed to give information on the line - [ ] Daniel: Robot can follow curved lines - [ ] Dylan: Robot can be in different states - [x] Jonah: Get IR sensor working (Continued)

Minor Task Checklist

Daily Log

Monday 09/05/16
- Dylan - Had a look at Ben's code, tidied it up, and tested it (stuck in a loop somewhere)
Wednesday 11/05/16
- Dylan - Started looking PID code from wiki, and trying to understand it - Helping with coding problems - Wrote an auto-pulling from git script for the pi
Friday 13/05/16
- Jonah - Finally got the IR sensor working fully and tuned. It now responsed to getLeftDistance,getRightDistance and - getMiddleDistance.
  • Dylan
    • Completely refactored PID code (from wiki) to be more useful as its own class
    • (with Andrew) Went over class plan with everyone so we all know how it's going to be organised
Saturday 14/05/16
- Dylan - Merged branch develop into master

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Week 12 (Mon 16 - Sun 22 May)

Milestone Checklist

- [ ] Everyone: Robot is complete - [ ] Ahmed: 3D Print body design and add it to the robot - [ ] Dylan: Robot is tested

Minor Task Checklist

Daily Log

Wednesday 18/05/16
- Dylan - Completed tests for some of the things I needed to test in PID file
Thursday 19/05/16
- Dylan - Got camera code somewhat working - Calibrated motor base slow speeds - Fixed back wheel - Worked with Jonah to add camera
Friday 20/05/16
- Dylan - Collected data on motor speeds and used that to create a function that will give the left and right motors equivalent speeds. - Altered motor test-module code to use my new speed functions

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Week 13 (Mon 23 - Sun 29 May)

Daily Log

Monday 23/05/16
- Dylan - Added some more calibrated motor speeds - Calibrated left and right rotation in movement test module - Merged the camera, movement and pid code in the camera test module - Modified pid code to get it to work - Removed some blue tack on the robot and helped Ahmed with building the new design
Tuesday 24/05/16
- Dylan - Calibrated some more motor speeds - Found problem causing motor controller not working - Testing PID and trying to get it working in real life
Wednesday 25/05/16
- Dylan - Tidied up code in the main project - Working with Andrew trying to get the PID working - Got a very basic line following algorithm to work
Thursday 26/05/16
- Dylan - Recalibrated even motor speeds with Daniel (with the small wheels) - Recalibrated P and D values in PidController.cpp with Andrew
Friday 27/05/16
- Dylan - Wrote some code to detect the number of whites in the left, centre, and right sections of the camera (using Andrew's idea) and throw errors if there is enough in appropriate sections to show that there is an intersetion - Worked with Andrew to get the robot to follow the left turn at intersections

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Week 13 (Mon 23 - Sun 29 May)

Daily Log

Monday 23/05/16
- Dylan - Added some more calibrated motor speeds - Calibrated left and right rotation in movement test module - Merged the camera, movement and pid code in the camera test module - Modified pid code to get it to work - Removed some blue tack on the robot and helped Ahmed with building the new design
Tuesday 24/05/16
- Dylan - Calibrated some more motor speeds - Found problem causing motor controller not working - Testing PID and trying to get it working in real life
Wednesday 25/05/16
- Dylan - Tidied up code in the main project - Working with Andrew trying to get the PID working - Got a very basic line following algorithm to work
Thursday 26/05/16
- Dylan - Recalibrated even motor speeds with Daniel (with the small wheels) - Recalibrated P and D values in PidController.cpp with Andrew
Friday 27/05/16
- Dylan - Wrote some code to detect the number of whites in the left, centre, and right sections of the camera (using Andrew's idea) and throw errors if there is enough in appropriate sections to show that there is an intersetion - Worked with Andrew to get the robot to follow the left turn at intersections

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Week 14 (Mon 30 May - Wed 02 June)

Daily Log

Monday 30/05/16
- Working on navigating intersections on the line
Tuesday 01/06/16
- Worked with Andrew (and Ben and Jonah) adjusting line PID, line navigation, and turning in the maze
Wednesday 02/06/16
- Competition day


Repository for Autonomous Vehicle Challenge - Group: A-Team - for ENGR101 at Victoria University of Wellington






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