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🌍 Personal website

This repository contains my personal website, which is a static website build with the help of Hugo.

🛠 Tools and Frameworks

This site is built using the following tools and frameworks.

Name Description
Hugo Static site generator.
Tailwind CSS Utility based CSS framework.
Flowbite Component library for building interactive UIs.
Font Awesome Icon library.

🎨 Color palette

Description Light Dark
Background #ffffff white #1c1917 stone-950
Topbar #f9fafb gray-50 #18181b zinc-900
Text primary #000000 black #e5e7eb gray-200
Text Secondary #6b7280 gray-500 #52525b zinc-600
Border Primary #e5e7eb gray-200 #52525b zinc-600
Inline code Accent #e5e7eb gray-200 #282c34 gunmetal
Link Accent #0284c7 sky-600 #0ea5e9 sky-500
Accent Color #f44336 coral #f44336 coral
Article background #f4f4f5 zinc-100 #18181b zinc-900

Code blocks are highlighted by Chroma, using the onedark theme.