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Semantic Music Player

A cross-platform mobile app built with Ionic that plays back dynamic music objects (dymos).


First install Cordova and Ionic if you haven't yet:

$ npm install -g cordova ionic

Then clone the semantic-player project to your computer:

$ git clone

Go to the cloned project folder and run:

$ npm install

and finally:

$ ionic serve

Now you can navigate to http://localhost:8100 in your browser to view the example dymo.

Running on a mobile device

First run:

$ ionic browser add crosswalk

Then add the platform you are interested in, for example for Android:

$ ionic platform add android

Then run build, install, and run it using:

$ ionic run android

Check out the Ionic docs to find out how to run the app on other devices or emulators.

Customizing the interface

The interface of the player can be customized by editing the src/assets/config.json file. The showTitle and title attributes allow you to edit and show or hide the title. With showDymoSelector the dymo selector element can be hidden, so that the player simply contains a fixed dymo. Using showPlaybackButtons, showDymoControls, and showSensorSection can be used to show the various parts of the interface, the playback buttons, any UI controls the dymo may define, and the section that can be used to show and debug sensor values. In case the playback buttons are hidden, the dymo can be set to play automatically upon startup by setting the autoplay attribute to true.

You can also set a background picture by replacing the file www/img/background.png with another file with the same name and extension. This works especially well if only few or none of the interface elements are shown.

Generating the example dymos

Compile and run the generator script from the main project folder:

$ tsc -p generator/
$ node generator/lib/example-dymos.js

Creating your own dymos

Add any of the example dymos to the folder www/dymos/ in the semantic-player project or build your own dymo, either by using the Dymo Designer or by defining files manually as described in the dymo-core readme.

Declare the added dymos in the www/config.json file by adding them to the "dymos" list.

Controls currently supported

The following table lists the sensor controls currently available for dymos in the Semantic Music Player, along with the ranges of their output values:

Control @types values unit
Slider Slider [0,1]
Toggle Toggle {0,1}
Button Button {0,1}
Accelerometer AccelerometerX, AccelerometerY, AccelerometerZ [-1,1]
Tilt TiltX, TiltY [-∞,∞]
Compass CompassHeading [-180,180] °
Geolocation GeolocationLongitude, GeolocationLatitude [-180,180] °
Distance traveled GeolocationDistance [0,∞] m
Distance from Beacon Beacon [0,∞] m
Random generator Random [0,1]
Random walk Brownian [0,1]
Interpolating Ramp Ramp [0,1]

For any controls, one can set an initial value using the value attribute. Some of the controls can be further customized: Beacon can be customized using the attributes uuid, major, and minor. Ramp can be customized using duration.


A cross-platform mobile and web app that plays back dynamic music objects






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