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dynamicdan edited this page Jun 26, 2016 · 3 revisions

Below are the things already achieved in this project. Many thanks to feedback and contributors!

Pre 4.1.2

  • support latest versions (Eurkea+) of ServiceNow
  • add protocol support to use http:// for on-premise setups
  • check if the record has been updated on the server before uploading changes and warn the user and cancel the upload (basic conflict management)
  • add notification (mac OS) to signify that the upload is complete (or failed)
  • ignore hidden files better (Eg. ".DS_Store", ".jshintrc")
  • upgrade node binaries to latest versions (currently version "v0.8.25". version here needs testing with restify)
  • upgrade 3rd party node_modules (except restify)
  • upgrade restify or find alternative that works better (restler)
  • use standard npm package.json setup to specify 3rd part node_modules
  • allow records to be saved in sub-dirs (eg, grouped by table or date created or user created etc.)

Nice to haves

  • auto create folder structure for user (./node-darwin src/app --setup)
  • add record browser to automatically download chosen files (via --search option)
  • option to re-download all files from instance (./node-darwin src/app --resync)
  • auto download records created or updated by a given user ID (via --search option)
  • notifications are clickable and load the record in the browser
  • save meta data received in request for user info (eg, sys_updated_on, sys_updated_by, sys_mod_count, description) (currently viewable in the .sync_data/ files)
  • download records on startup provided by a list (See "preLoad" in app.config.json)
  • add windows support for fancy/OS style notifications
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