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mxz297 committed Jun 2, 2016
1 parent 8e4f980 commit 73760bf
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151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions dataflowAPI/doc/AST.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@

We provide a generic AST framework to represent tree structures. One example use
case is to represent instruction semantics. This AST framework include the base
class definitions for tree nodes and AST visitors. Users can inherit tree node
classes to create their own AST structure and AST visitors to write their own
analyses of the AST.

All AST node classes should be derived from class AST, which provides the
following interfaces.

AST::ID & Meaning \\
V\_AST & Base class type \\
V\_BottomAST & Bottom AST node \\
V\_ConstantAST & Constant AST node \\
V\_VariableAST & Variable AST node \\
V\_RoseAST & ROSEOperation AST node \\
V\_StackAST & Stack AST node \\
V\_InputVariableAST & InputVariable AST node \\
V\_ReferenceAST & Reference AST node \\
V\_StpAST & Stp AST node\\
V\_YicesAST & Yices AST node \\
V\_SemanticsAST & semantics AST node \\


typedef boost::shared_ptr<AST> Ptr;
\apidesc{Every AST node class has this type for shared pointer access.}

typedef std::vector<AST::Ptr> Children;
\apidesc{The container type for the children of this AST.}

bool AST::operator==(const AST &rhs) const;
bool AST::equals(AST::Ptr rhs);
\apidesc{Check whether two AST nodes are equal. Return \code{true} when two
nodes are in the same type and are equal according to the \code{==} operator of that type.}

virtual unsigned AST::numChildren() const;
\apidesc{Return the number of children of this node.}

virtual AST::Ptr child(unsigned) const;
\apidesc{Return the specified child.}

virtual const std::string format() const = 0;
\apidesc{Return the string representation of the node.}

static AST::Ptr substitute(AST::Ptr in, AST::Ptr a, AST::Ptr b);
\apidesc{Substitute every occurrence of \code{a} with \code{b} in AST \code{in}.
Return a new AST after the substitution.}

virtual AST::ID AST::getID() const;
\apidesc{Return the class type ID of this node.}

virtual Ptr accept(ASTVisitor *v);
\apidesc{Apply visitor \code{v} to each node in this AST.}

AST::Ptr AST::ptr();
\apidesc{Make a shared pointer of this object.}

virtual void AST::setChild(int i, AST::Ptr c);
\apidesc{Set the \code{i}th child of this node to \code{c}.}

Dataflow API provides two node types: internal nodes and leaf nodes, which can
be defined:

#define DEF_AST_LEAF_TYPE(name, type)
#define DEF_AST_INTERNAL_TYPE(name, type)
\apidesc{These two macros define a leaf node class or an internal node class
with a class name \code{name} and associate the class with a data type
\code{type}. Note that the AST classes only represents the tree structure; the
data type class \code{type} provides a way to embed other information into the
AST. Both classes are derived from class \code{AST}.}

After defining a leaf node class, the user can use the following interface to
create leaf node objects:

typedef boost::shared_ptr<name> name::Ptr;
static name::Ptr name::create(type t);
\apidesc{Create a leaf node object.}

After defining an internal node class, the user can use the following interfaces to
create internal node objects:

typedef boost::shared_ptr<name> name::Ptr;
static name::Ptr name::create(type t, AST::Ptr a);
static name::Ptr name::create(type t, AST::Ptr a, AST::Ptr b);
static name::Ptr name::create(type t, AST::Ptr a, AST::Ptr b, AST::Ptr c);
static name::Ptr name::create(type t, AST::Children children);
\apidesc{Create an internal node with data object \code{t} and the internal node
has a single child \code{a}, or two children \code{a} and \code{b}, or three
children \code{a}, \code{b}, and \code{c}, or a children vector \code{children}.}

The ASTVisitor class defines the operations to take during visiting an AST for
each AST node type. Users can inherit this class to write customized analyses
for ASTs.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<AST> ASTVisitor::ASTPtr;
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(AST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(DataflowAPI::BottomAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(DataflowAPI::ConstantAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(DataflowAPI::VariableAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(DataflowAPI::RoseAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(StackAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(InputVariableAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(ReferenceAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(StpAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(YicesAST *);
virtual ASTVisitor::ASTPtr ASTVisitor::visit(SemanticsAST *);
\apidesc{Operations applied during visiting each type of AST node. The default
behavior is returning the input parameter.}

27 changes: 16 additions & 11 deletions dataflowAPI/doc/Abstractions.tex
Expand Up @@ -7,24 +7,29 @@ \section{Abstractions}
\item[Abstract Location] Represents a register or memory location (cite).
DataflowAPI provides three types of abstract locations: registers, stack, and
help. Register abstract locations are distinguished through register names.
Stack abstract locations are distinguished by the offset within a stack frame
and the function to which the stack frame belongs.
Head abstract locations are distinguished by the virtual address of the
help. A register abstract location represents a register and a register at two
different program locations is represented with the same abstract location.
A stack abstract location consists of the stack frame to which it belongs and
the offset within the stack frame.
A heap abstract location represents the virtual address of the heap variable.

\item[Abstract Region] Represents a set of abstract locations of the same type
(cite). If an abstract region contains only a single abstract location, the
abstract location is precisely represented.
If an abstract region contains more than one abstract locations, the region
contains the type of the locations. For a memory region, it also contains
the memory address calculation that gives rise to this region. The address
calculation is represented with an AST described below.
\item[AST] Represents the symbolic expansion of an instruction's full semantics
\item[Semantics Policy] Provides callbacks for each low-level operation an instruction may perform.
contains the type of the locations. In the cases where it represents memory
(either heap or stack), an abstract region also contains
the memory address calculation that gives rise to this region.
The address calculation is represented with an AST described below.

\item[AST] Represents a symbolic expression of an instruction's full semantics.
Specifically, an AST specifies the value of a register or a memory location is changed by this

\item[Assignment] Represents a single data dependency of abstract regions in an instruction. For example, xchg eax, ebx creates two assignments: one from pre-instruction eax to post-instruction ebx, and one from pre-instruction ebx to post-instruction eax.

\item[Stack Height] Represents the difference between a value in an abstract location and the stack pointer at a function's call site.
\item[Graph] Represents a directed graph.
\item[Symbolic Evaluator] Translates a graph representing a program slice (cite) into a mapping from assignments to ASTs.

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions dataflowAPI/doc/Examples.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@


\subsection{Symbolic Evaluation}

\subsection{Liveness Analysis}

\subsection{Stack Analysis}
25 changes: 19 additions & 6 deletions dataflowAPI/doc/Intro.tex
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,24 @@ \section{Introduction}

DataFlowAPI aggregates a collection of dataflow analysis algorithms that are
useful in Dyninst development into a single library. These algorithms can also
be a foundation for users to build customized analysis. Currently, these algorithms include:
be foundations for users to build customized analyses. Currently, these algorithms include:

\item Slicing
\item Stack Analysis
\item Instruction Semantics
\item Symbolic Expansion and Evaluation
\item Register Liveness
\item [Slicing] Takes a program location as input and can either slice
backward to determine which instructions affect the results of the given program location, or
slice forward to determine which instructions are affected by the results of the
given program location. One key feature of our slicing implementation is that
users can control where and when to stop slicing through a set of call back

\item [Stack Analysis] Determines whether a register points to the stack and
which stack location the register points to, when it does point to the stack.

\item [Symbolic Expansion and Evaluation] convert a set of instructions to
several symbolic expressions. Each symbolic expression represents the overall effects of
these instructions on a register or a memory location.

\item [Register Liveness] Determines a register is live or not at a program
location. A register is live at a program location if it will be used later in the program before its
content is overwritten.

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