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You can install the package via composer:

composer require dzava/global-search

Optionally publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider="Dzava\GlobalSearch\GlobalSearchServiceProvider"


Add the searchableFields method to searchable models.

class User extends Model {
	public function searchableFields() {
    	return ['name'];

class Post extends Model {
	public function searchableFields() {
    	return ['title'];

Perform a search

use Dzava\GlobalSearch\GlobalSearch;

$results = (new GlobalSearch())->withModels([User::class, Post::class])->search('Doe');

//  [
//      'users' => [
//          ['name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => ''],
//          ['name' => 'Jane Doe', 'email' => '']
//  ],
//      'posts'  => [
//          ['title' => 'Who is John Doe', 'slug' => 'who-is-john-doe'
//      ]
//  ]

To limit the number of results per model use the limit($limit) method. Given a limit of 0 all matching results are returned.

If no matching records are found for a model then the group is omitted from the results. To include empty groups use the withEmpty() method.

You can override the default group key when registering the models

GlobalSearch::registerModels(['Accounts' => User::class, Post::class]);

If you don't want to group the results use the withoutGroups() method.

Formatting the results

Results are formatted using the toArray method of the model. You can use a different method by changing the toArray option in the config file. If the method is missing from the model then it will fallback to toArray.

You can disable formatting entirely with the withoutFormatting() method, in which case the model is returned.

Customizing the query

You can customize the search query by implementing the searchQuery method in your models. The method will receive two parameters, the query Builder instance and the search term, and it should return the query to be executed.

When a model uses the Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait scout will be used automatically.


The package will use Laravel's authorization policies, when available. If a policy is found, then the policy's authorization method is checked. You can change the authorization method used by setting the policy-method config option.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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