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The goal of autorecipes is to automate your weekly recipe planning, it takes care of:

  1. Creating and storing a database of recipes
  2. Customizing weekly meal plans
  3. Generating shopping lists of ingredients


autorecipes was developed for personal use and is no longer under active development. You can install the development version from GitHub:



The below example gives a taste of autorecipes. If you would like to sink your teeth into a more detailed tutorial, head over to the vignette.

#> Attaching package: 'autorecipes'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     units, weekdays

# autorecipes contains an example set of recipes
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   index names                                       ingredients fav   last_eaten
#>   <int> <chr>                                       <list>      <lgl> <date>    
#> 1     1 Akoori Eggs with Spinach & Potato           <Ingrdnts>  FALSE NA        
#> 2     2 Crispy Duck with Fava Beans & Caramelised … <Ingrdnts>  FALSE NA        
#> 3     3 Chicken with Rosemary Plumns                <Ingrdnts>  FALSE NA        
#> 4     4 Chickpea & Sweet Potato Masala              <Ingrdnts>  FALSE NA        
#> 5     5 Gaucho Steaks with Chimichurri Salad        <Ingrdnts>  FALSE NA        
#> 6     6 Chipotle Bean Taco Salad                    <Ingrdnts>  FALSE NA

# create a meal plan for lunch and dinner across all weekdays
recipebook <- create_meal_plan(recipebook_example)

#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   day   meal   recipe_index names                   ingredients fav   last_eaten
#>   <fct> <fct>         <int> <chr>                   <list>      <lgl> <date>    
#> 1 Mon   Lunch             2 Crispy Duck with Fava … <Ingrdnts>  FALSE 2022-03-22
#> 2 Mon   Dinner           26 Afghan Spliced Squash   <Ingrdnts>  FALSE 2022-03-22
#> 3 Tues  Lunch             4 Chickpea & Sweet Potat… <Ingrdnts>  FALSE 2022-03-22
#> 4 Tues  Dinner           16 Creamy Pollock, Samphi… <Ingrdnts>  FALSE 2022-03-22
#> 5 Wed   Lunch            15 Globe Arichoke & Pine … <Ingrdnts>  FALSE 2022-03-22
#> 6 Wed   Dinner           22 New Potato Tagine       <Ingrdnts>  FALSE 2022-03-22

recipebook <- create_shopping_list(recipebook)

#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   names               n
#>   <chr>           <int>
#> 1 garlic clove       13
#> 2 onion               7
#> 3 coriander           6
#> 4 lime                6
#> 5 cherry tomatoes     5
#> 6 bouillon powder     4


autorecipes was developed using biocthis.


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