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This package provides CLI to dsmc library to perform rarefied gas flow
simulation. The tool is named `dsmc-runner`. Another tool,
`dsmc-caster` is used to render CSG bodies to check if the body
geometry is defined correctly.

Both programs can be run with `-?` flag to obtain usage informaiton
and help of command-line flags.

To run programs using multiple threads, specify `+RTS -N` flag.

Extra data files which are installed with this package can be found in
`share` directory used by Cabal.

* dsmc-runner

To perform a simulation, input parameters for DSMC must be defined in
«problem file», which uses INI-like format, see `example.prb` included
in the package.

To define the body (which is then referenced from the problem file),
`.geo` format is used, see `body.geo`, `smiley.geo` and `reentry2.geo`
for example.

The runner dumps macroscopic data in text format to the file specified
using `-m` option, which can be then analyzed using visualization
software like ParaView.

To sum up,

    $ dsmc-runner example.prb -m macro.txt +RTS -N

    2012-06-13 11:32:02 MSK: [DEBUG] Program started
    2012-06-13 11:32:02 MSK: [DEBUG] Using problem file: example.prb
    2012-06-13 11:32:02 MSK: [DEBUG] Macroscopic data output file: macro.txt
    2012-06-13 11:32:02 MSK: [DEBUG] Not writing ensemble data
    2012-06-13 11:32:02 MSK: [DEBUG] Using body definition file: ./reentry2.geo
    2012-06-13 11:32:02 MSK: [DEBUG] Starting simulation
    2012-06-13 11:32:04 MSK: [DEBUG] Not steady yet; particles count: 1662080
    2012-06-13 11:32:05 MSK: [DEBUG] Not steady yet; particles count: 1661946
    2012-06-13 11:32:06 MSK: [DEBUG] Not steady yet; particles count: 1662026

* dsmc-caster
dsmc-caster is a program used to view bodies defined using `.geo`

    $ dsmc-caster smiley.geo +RTS -N

Drag with left mouse button to rotate the object and mouse wheel to
zoom in/out. More command-line options are available, see usage help
with `-?` flag.


DSMC toolkit for rarefied gas dynamics







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