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Release guide

Dave Rabko edited this page Feb 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

Task branches live according to the scheme


Commit messages

While committing everyone should evaluate the changes being added and prefix one of three labels to the beginning of the commit name:

  • [breaking changes] - radically changes the api of the library (will be available only after the completion of work on 0.x.x versions)
  • [feature] - new functionality
  • [patch] - fixes/improvements to existing functionality

After the label comes a brief description of the changes (a description from which it will be possible to make a release note). The result would be something like: [patch] resolved table view cell clicks issue.

Determine the new version by the available labels in the commits messages (to be automated)

Each commit message label corresponds to one of the version numbers MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

  • [breaking changes] - MAJOR
  • [feature] - MINOR
  • [patch] - PATCH

Look for the highest label in the names of the commits and, according to it, select the version. Examples: Current version is 0.2.0, the highest tag is [patch] which means the next version is 0.2.1; if the highest tag is [feature] - the next version is 0.3.0. For a better understanding please check out semantic versioning.

Go to Actions → Release → Run workflow → Set the new version at "Version to bump to:" → Run workflow

Create a GitHub release (to be automated)

  • Create a new tag with the release version with the ‘v’ prefix, for example - “v0.2.2”.


  • Choose the pom.xml version change as a target commit, its name would usually be something like "release 0.x.x"


  • Set the title → generate the release notes (you can edit the structure to your taste) → publish the release
