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A web app that allows easy follow-up of the Backgammon Championship results.

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as a guest user

You can view and refresh the results of a selected group. Select a group by clicking to its name on the left side. By pressing the "refresh results" button, the app automatically fetches the match results from DailyGammon. The cells of the bottom table are clickable and the links bring you to the corresponding match review page on DailyGammon.


as a registered administrator

you can add a new group

Fill the form with the group name and the usernames of the players. Make sure that the usernames are written exactly as they are on DailyGammon. Once submitted, the app tries to find all matches and their results on Dailygammon. This operation comes with quite some requests to DailyGammon, so be patient. After confirmation, the results are saved to the underlying database and they become visible on the right side.

you can add a new match

In some cases not all matches can be found automatically. This happens most frequently because the match's "Event" on DailyGammon is not the same as the group's name. In such cases, you have to find the missing matches manually on DailyGammon, and enter the match-ID and the group name to the form. After confirmation, the match result is saved to the underlying database and it becomes visible on the right side.