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Sample dockerized environmennt with Vue.js and Python API

How to run it?

By default we run all our services inside Docker containers using Docker Compose. You have to install Docker Compose 1.13.0 or later.

Development Environment

There are 4 containers defined in the docker-compose.yaml:`

  • sample-db - Database container with MySQL instance
  • sample-api - Sample API instance
  • sample-ui - SampleUI in the development mode
  • sample-web - Container with Nginx to proxy all requests between API and UI

To get your development environment up and running you just need to execute the following command:

docker-compose up

After all containers will be running, we'll bootstrap the database with a sample data.

Sample UI and API

Once your containers will be running, you will be able to open Sample UI by the following url: http://localhost:8090/. API is located at http://localhost:8090/api/