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system install

e1z0 edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 1 revision

Transferring System to the CF Card

You should already have setup partitions on your CF card.

Mounting file systems

sudo mkdir /mnt/cf{1,2}
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/cf1 # fat32 file system (first)
sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/cf2 # ext4 file system (linux root)

Copy the bootloader with kernel to the first CF card partition

Lets assume that you are in the downloaded repository directory jornada-linux/.

We need to copy linexec.exe (boot loader), PARAMS.txt (boot loader parameters) and zImage (linux kernel) to the first (FAT) partition of the CF card (/dev/sdc1).

cp bootloader/for_32mb_or_64mb_ram/jlinexec.exe /mnt/cf1/
cp bootloader/for_32mb_or_64mb_ram/PARAMS.TXT /mnt/cf1/
cp kernels/linux-3.16.81-binaries/zImage /mnt/cf1/

There is also a version of boot loader for jornada 720 with upgraded 128mb of ram located in: bootloader/for_128mb_ram.

Rootfs extraction

We are now ready to deploy the Linux user-space software (distribution) to the newly created ext4 partition you can choose either from Debian 9 or Devuan Ascii 2.1 releases.

sudo tar -xvjpSf userspace/debian9/rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/cf2 # Debian 9
sudo tar -xvjpSf userspace/devuan2.1/rootfs.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/cf2 # Devuan 2.1

Extract only one preferred!

You can now proceed further: