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Om: Erlang System F-Omega

Maxim Sokhatsky


Georg Simon Ohm -- a German physicist and mathematician who was born in German town Erlangen.


Here is very early proposal to include some type system which is partially compatible with Dializer syntax on top of Erlang. We are going to implement Typed Erlang Compiler that will produce regular BEAM files.

The purpose of this document is to discuss Typed Erlang syntax and runtime implementation details. Internally all types data are going to be represented as native erlang complex types: tuples and lists.

The core of type system are proposed to be classic second-order polymorphic lambda calculus.


All morphisms, constructable domains and categories itself are treated as types. Categories which are Modules are denoted as 'cat'. Morphisms which are Function are denoted as 'fun'. Algebraic data types are denoted as 'product' and 'sum'. Here is syntax of type definitions:

fun(A,B,...) -> A -> B -> ...
product(A,...) -> {A,...}
sum(A,B,...) -> A | B | ...
cat(A,B,...) -> Domains(A,B,...), Morphisms(A,B,...), ... end.

where A, B, ... are type constructors.

Type Constructors

Type constructors are being parametrized by types or other type constructors. Type constructors are Λ type-level functions and are distinguishable from λ value-level functions.

type/Arity = product/Arity | sum/Arity | fun/Arity | cat/Arity | list/1 | any .

Note than list/1 is special type constructor only for built-in Erlang list types. All type constructors with zero arity denoted as concrete types. It has compatibility with Erlang dializer syntax, e.g.:

string() = list(char) = string/0.

Here is type constructors depended only from concrete types.

tree(A) = sum(product(A),product(tree(A),tree(A))) = {A} | {tree(A),tree(A)}.
array(T) = list(list(T)).
cube(T) = list(array(T)).
typeCons(A,B,C) = product(A,B,list(C)).

Here is type constructors which are partially constructed with not concrete types:

typeCons = product(any,any,list/1).
main = fun/2.
product/3 = product(any,any,any).
mylist = product(list(product/3),sum/2,any).
lst = list/1.
functorArg = type/1.

Here is mix of dependence of concrete types and partially constructed:

mixed(T,A) = product(A,any,sum(T,list(T)),product/3,fun/2,functor(list/1)).

Kinds Notion

Type constructors 'cat', 'fun', 'sum' and 'product' belongs to type 'type' which is also typeable by number of arguments and signature of type constructor:

Typed Erlang      System Fω
------------      ---------
type(A)           * -> *
type(A,B)         * -> * -> *
type(A::type/1)   (* -> *) -> *

Here is example of Free Monads using kinds notions:

functor = cat(Type::type/1) -> fmap = fun(fun(A,B),Type(A),Type(B)). end.
other = fun(F::type(A),lift(F(A))).
pure = fun(A,lift(type(A)).
lift(F::type(A)) = sum(pure(A),other(F(A))).
free(F::functor(A)) = sum(pure(A), free(F(free(F(A))))).


Value-level function type signature are supposed to be compatible with dializer:


And also to have simpler form:


Function arguments are parametrised by concrete types:

listmap = fun((Fun::fun(A::X,B::Y),In::list(X))->list(Y)) ->
    io:format("In: ~p",[In]),
    Out = [ Fun(E) || E <- In],
    io:format("Out: ~p",[Out]),
    Out end.

However you can define function types using any type constructor.

fmap = fun(fun(any,any),list/1).
listmap = fun(fun(A,B),list(A),list(B)).
unimap(A,B,T::type/1) = fun(fun(A,B),T(A),T(B)).

Historically Erlang uses identifiers started with capital latter for variables ans started with small letter for types -- reversed to Haskell. So if in left side from matching operator = is small latter started indentifier i.e. type, if capital -- variable.

a = tree(integer()).
B = {1}.

Exception is functions which are treated as fun types with binded body values:

b = tree(integer()) -> {1}.
join = fun(A,B) -> lists:join(A,B) end.


Modules are parametrized by type constructors, which form local programs.

tree(A) = sum(product(A),product(tree(A),tree(A))) = {A} | {tree(A),tree(A)}.
Functor = cat(Type::type/1) -> fmap = fun(fun(A,B),Type(A),Type(B)). end.
Listfunctor = Functor(list/1) -> fmap(F,X) -> listmap(F,X). end.
Square = fun(X) -> X * X end.

So here we have fully typed version of list map. Let us look on more Erlangish example:

TreeFunctor = Functor(tree/1) ->
    fmap(F,{X}) -> { F(X) };
    fmap(F,{L,R}) -> { fmap(F,{L}), fmap(F,{R}) }. end.

This is cat instance that includes erlang code which turns typed.


program = cat ->
    a = product/2 -> {string,integer}.
    a = product(string,integer).
    a = {string,integer}.
    lst(Type) = type/1 -> {Type,lst(Type)} | none.
    lst = type(Type) -> sum(product(Type,lst(Type)),none).
    strlst = type/0 -> lst(string).
    b = list(string).
    Join = fun(A::a,B::b) -> lists:join(element(1,A),hd(B),program:join(A,B)) end.
    Program = cat(EP::program,List::type/1) ->
        b = list(string).
        join = fun((A::a,B::b) -> string()) -> v2:join(A,B) end.
    functor = cat(Type::type/1) ->
        fmap = fun(fun(A::x,B::y),Type(x),Type(y)).
    listFunctor = functor(list/1).
    atomFunctor = functor(product/1).


Erlang with Types Proposal






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