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Word Search

Given a 2D board and a word, find if the word exists in the grid.

The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cell, where "adjacent" cells are those horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once.


board =

Given word = "ABCCED", return true.
Given word = "SEE", return true.
Given word = "ABCB", return false.

Approach :

Ok lets ask this question before we talk about code implementation, how do we solve this problem in our head ❔

We first search for first matching letter in the grid which matches with the first letter of the given word. Then we try to find the match for remaining letters of the word in the grid. Searching for matching letters in 4 directions :

  1. one column forward (row, column + 1)
  2. one column backward (row, column - 1)
  3. one row above (row - 1, column)
  4. one row down (row + 1, column)

Note that the order in which we look for matching letters doesn't matter, we can search in different order (2, 1, 3, 4) or (3, 4, 1, 2) etc.

So we will iterate over grid row by row, scanning from first column to last column. We will first check if board[row][column] == word.charAt(0) is true, if it is, it means now we can start our search.

2 Base cases :

  1. We will define a recursive method which will help us find the matches at index 1, index 2, index 3 and so on. We will increment the index by one, once we find a match for the character in the grid. If the value of index becomes equal to length of the given word, it means we found the entire match and we will return true (this will be one of our base case in the recursive method).

  2. Also we need to check whether the value of row and column are within the bounds of the board and if board[row][column] != word.charAt(index), if not we will return false (this will be our second base case in the recursive method)

Otherwise it means, we haven't found the entire word match and the character at index matches with board[row][column] So now we search for next characters match in 4 cells (row, column + 1) (row, column - 1) (row - 1, column) (row + 1, column) , since we have to look for match, for the next character in the word we increment the index by one.

If any one of above four searches ( 4 recursive calls) resturns true we return true.

Handling False Match

Since our implementation is recursive, we may get in a scenario where, we have an exact match for a character but we have already counted that cell as a match before in our search.

If we consider a cell, where we already found a character match, again, this will result in a false match.

For example in the given board below, there is no match for the word ABCCC , but if we don't mark the already matched characters in our search, our implementation will result true, which will be wrong.


So to handle the false match issue, we mark each matched cell in our search with # symbol. By doing this we will avoid finding the same cell match for the character.


And our search will return false, because it won't find match for the last C in the word ABCCC

We revert the value in the board to its previous value once we finish one entire search ( update # to actual value which was present at that cell)

❗️ ❗ You can add breakpoint in the code to see, cell values updating to # as we progress in our search

Implementation :

public  boolean exist(char[][] board, String word) {
	if(board == null || board.length == 0)
		return false;
	for(int row = 0; row < board.length; row++) {
	    for(int column = 0; column < board[0].length; column++) {
		 if(board[row][column] == word.charAt(0) && searchWord(board, row, column, word, 0)) {
			return true;
    return false;

private  boolean searchWord(char[][] board, int row, int column, String word, int index) {
	if(index == word.length()) {
	   return true;
	if(row < 0 || row >= board.length || column < 0 || column >= board[0].length || 
	     board[row][column] != word.charAt(index)) {
	     return false;
	char temp = board[row][column];
	board[row][column] = '#';
	boolean res = searchWord(board, row, column + 1, word, index + 1) ||
		      searchWord(board, row, column - 1, word, index + 1) ||
		      searchWord(board, row - 1, column, word, index + 1) ||
		      searchWord(board, row + 1, column, word, index + 1);
	board[row][column] = temp;
	return res;		      

Important Note : OR

boolean res = searchWord(board, row, column + 1, word, index + 1) ||
		      searchWord(board, row, column - 1, word, index + 1) ||
		      searchWord(board, row - 1, column, word, index + 1) ||
		      searchWord(board, row + 1, column, word, index + 1);

we are using OR operation, since we just want any one match. And we don't want to keep our search running if we found one match. This is very important. If we don't use the OR operation, the search will keep running till it searches all possible combination. If we want to return on the first match of the word in the grid, then OR operation is must.

References :