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File metadata and controls

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DDS Replayer Configuration

A |ddsreplayer| is configured by a .yaml configuration file. This .yaml file contains all the information regarding the DDS interface configuration, playback parameters, and |ddsreplayer| specifications. Thus, this file has four major configuration groups:

  • dds: configuration related to DDS communication.
  • replayer: configuration with data playback parameters.
  • specs: configuration of the internal operation of the |ddsreplayer|.

DDS Configuration

Configuration related to DDS communication.

DDS Domain

Tag domain configures the :term:`Domain Id`.

domain: 101

Topic Filtering

The |ddsreplayer| automatically detects the topics that are being used in a DDS Network. The |ddsreplayer| then creates internal DDS :term:`Writers<DataWriter>` to replay the data published on each topic. The |ddsreplayer| allows filtering DDS :term:`Topics<Topic>` to allow users to configure the DDS :term:`Topics<Topic>` that must be replayed. These data filtering rules can be configured under the allowlist and blocklist tags. If the allowlist and blocklist are not configured, the |ddsreplayer| will replayed the data published on every topic it discovers. If both the allowlist and blocklist are configured and a topic appears in both of them, the blocklist has priority and the topic will be blocked.

Topics are determined by the tags name (required) and type, both of which accept wildcard characters.


Placing quotation marks around values in a YAML file is generally optional, but values containing wildcard characters do require single or double quotation marks.

Consider the following example:

  - name: AllowedTopic1
    type: Allowed

  - name: AllowedTopic2
    type: "*"

  - name: HelloWorldTopic
    type: HelloWorld

  - name: "*"
    type: HelloWorld

In this example, the data published in the topic AllowedTopic1 with type Allowed and in the topic AllowedTopic2 with any type will be replayed by the |ddsreplayer|. The data published in the topic HelloWorldTopic with type HelloWorld will be blocked, since the blocklist is blocking all topics with any name and with type HelloWorld.

Topic QoS

The following is the set of QoS that are configurable for a topic. For more information on topics, please read the Fast DDS Topic section.

Quality of Service Yaml tag Data type Default value QoS set
Reliability reliability bool false RELIABLE / BEST_EFFORT
Durability durability bool false TRANSIENT_LOCAL / VOLATILE
Partitions partitions bool false Topic with / without partitions
Key keyed bool false Topic with / without key
History Depth history-depth unsigned integer 5000 :ref:`replayer_history_depth`
Max Transmission Rate max-tx-rate float 0 (unlimited) :ref:`replayer_max_tx_rate`


Manually configuring TRANSIENT_LOCAL durability may lead to incompatibility issues when the discovered reliability is BEST_EFFORT. Please ensure to always configure the reliability when configuring the durability to avoid the issue.

History Depth

The history-depth tag configures the history depth of the Fast DDS internal entities. By default, the depth of every RTPS History instance is 5000, which sets a constraint on the maximum number of samples a |ddsreplayer| instance can deliver to late joiner Readers configured with TRANSIENT_LOCAL DurabilityQosPolicyKind. Its value should be decreased when the sample size and/or number of created endpoints (increasing with the number of topics) are big enough to cause memory exhaustion issues. If enough memory is available, however, the history-depth could be increased to deliver a greater number of samples to late joiners.

Max Transmission Rate

The max-tx-rate tag limits the frequency [Hz] at which samples are sent by discarding messages transmitted before 1/max-tx-rate seconds have passed since the last sent message. It only accepts non-negative numbers. By default it is set to 0; it sends samples at an unlimited transmission rate.

Manual Topics

A subset of QoS can be manually configured for a specific topic under the tag topics. The tag topics has a required name tag that accepts wildcard characters. It also has two optional tags: a type tag that accepts wildcard characters, and a qos tag with the QoS that the user wants to manually configure. If a qos is not manually configured, it will get its value by discovery.

Example of usage

  - name: "temperature/*"
    type: "temperature/types/*"
      max-tx-rate: 15


The :ref:`Topic QoS <replayer_topic_qos>` configured in the Manual Topics take precedence over the :ref:`Specs Topic QoS <replayer_specs_topic_qos>`.

Ignore Participant Flags

A set of discovery traffic filters can be defined in order to add an extra level of isolation. This configuration option can be set through the ignore-participant-flags tag:

ignore-participant-flags: no_filter                          # No filter (default)
# or
ignore-participant-flags: filter_different_host              # Discovery traffic from another host is discarded
# or
ignore-participant-flags: filter_different_process           # Discovery traffic from another process on same host is discarded
# or
ignore-participant-flags: filter_same_process                # Discovery traffic from own process is discarded
# or
ignore-participant-flags: filter_different_and_same_process  # Discovery traffic from own host is discarded

See Ignore Participant Flags for more information.

Custom Transport Descriptors

By default, |ddsreplayer| internal participants are created with enabled UDP and Shared Memory transport descriptors. The use of one or the other for communication will depend on the specific scenario, and whenever both are viable candidates, the most efficient one (Shared Memory Transport) is automatically selected. However, a user may desire to force the use of one of the two, which can be accomplished via the transport configuration tag.

transport: builtin    # UDP & SHM (default)
# or
transport: udp        # UDP only
# or
transport: shm        # SHM only


When configured with transport: shm, |ddsreplayer| will only communicate with applications using Shared Memory Transport exclusively (with disabled UDP transport).

Interface Whitelist

Optional tag whitelist-interfaces allows to limit the network interfaces used by UDP and TCP transport. This may be useful to only allow communication within the host (note: same can be done with :ref:`replayer_ignore_participant_flags`). Example:

  - ""    # Localhost only

See Interface Whitelist for more information.

Replay Configuration

Configuration of data playback settings.

Input File

The path to the file, set through the input-file configuration tag. When the input file is specified both through CLI argument and YAML configuration file, the former takes precedence.

Begin Time

By default, all data stored in the provided MCAP file is played back. However, a user might be interested in only replaying data relative to a specific time frame. begin-time and end-time configuration options can be leveraged for this purpose, and their format is as follows:

Parameter Tag Description Data type Default value
Use local time zone local Whether to interpret the provided datetime |br| as local (true) or as a Greenwich Mean Time |br| (GMT/UTC +0) without Daylight Saving Time |br| (DST) considerations (false). bool true
Datetime Format format Format followed by the provided datetime. string "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"
Datetime datetime Datetime (seconds precision). string  
Milliseconds milliseconds Milliseconds. integer 0
Microseconds microseconds Microseconds. integer 0
Nanoseconds nanoseconds Nanoseconds. integer 0

Messages recorded/sent (see :ref:`Log Publish Time <recorder_usage_configuration_logpublishtime>`) before begin-time will not be played back by a |ddsreplayer| instance.

End Time

As with begin-time, a user can discard messages recorded/sent after a specific timepoint set through the end-time tag, which follows the format described in :ref:`Begin Time <replayer_replay_configuration_begintime>`.

Start Replay Time

This configuration option (start-replay-time) allows to start replaying data at a certain timepoint following the format described in :ref:`Begin Time <replayer_replay_configuration_begintime>`. If the provided timepoint already expired, the replayer starts publishing messages right away.

Playback Rate

By default, data is replayed at the same rate it was published/received. However, a user might be interested in playing messages back at a rate different than the original one. This can be accomplished through the playback rate tag, which accepts positive float values (e.g. 0.5 <--> half speed || 2 <--> double speed).

Replay Types

By default, a |ddsreplayer| instance automatically sends all type information found in the provided MCAP file, which might be required for applications relying on :term:`Dynamic Types<DynamicTypes>`. Nonetheless, a user can choose to avoid this by setting replay-types: false, so only data samples are sent while their associated type information is disregarded.

Specs Configuration

The internals of a |ddsreplayer| can be configured using the specs optional tag that contains certain options related with the overall configuration of the |ddsreplayer| instance to run. The values available to configure are:

Number of Threads

specs supports a threads optional value that allows the user to set a maximum number of threads for the internal ThreadPool. This ThreadPool allows to limit the number of threads spawned by the application. This improves the performance of the internal data communications.

This value should be set by each user depending on each system characteristics. In case this value is not set, the default number of threads used is 12.

Wait-for-acknowledgement Timeout

The execution of a |ddsreplayer| instance ends when the last message contained in the provided input file is published (or the user manually aborts the process, see :ref:`replayer_usage_close_replayer`). Note that this last message might be lost after publication, and if reliable Reliability QoS is being used, a mechanism should be established to avoid this problematic situation. For this purpose, the user can specify the maximum amount of milliseconds (wait-all-acked-timeout) to wait on closure until published messages are acknowledged by matched readers. Its value is set to 0 by default (no wait).


specs supports a qos optional tag to configure the default values of the :ref:`Topic QoS <replayer_topic_qos>`.


The :ref:`Topic QoS <replayer_topic_qos>` configured in specs can be overwritten by the :ref:`Manual Topics <replayer_manual_topics>`.

General Example

A complete example of all the configurations described on this page can be found below.


This example can be used as a quick reference, but it may not be correct due to incompatibility or exclusive properties. Do not take it as a working example.

  domain: 0

    - name: "topic_name"
      type: "topic_type"

    - name: "topic_name"
      type: "topic_type"

    - name: "temperature/*"
      type: "temperature/types/*"
        max-tx-rate: 15

  ignore-participant-flags: no_filter
  transport: builtin
    - ""

  input-file: my_input.mcap

    local: true
    datetime: 2023-04-10_10-37-50
    milliseconds: 100
    nanoseconds: 50

    format: "%H-%M-%S_%Y-%m-%d"
    local: true
    datetime: 10-39-11_2023-04-10
    milliseconds: 200

    local: true
    datetime: 2023-04-12_12-00-00
    milliseconds: 500

  rate: 1.4
  replay-types: true

  threads: 8
  wait-all-acked-timeout: 10

    max-tx-rate: 20