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ROS 2 Router configuration via XML profiles


eProsima ROS 2 Router, a.k.a DDS Router, is an end-user software application that enables the connection of distributed ROS 2 networks (see the documentation here <vulcanexus_router>). That is, ROS 2 nodes such as publishers and subscriptions, or clients and services, deployed in one geographic location and using a dedicated local network will be able to communicate with other ROS 2 nodes deployed in different geographic locations on their own dedicated local networks as if they were all on the same network through the use of .

This tutorial explains how to configure a Participant with XML. In particular, we will configure two Participants, one without XML on domain 0 and one with XML on domain 1, and use the to allow them to communicate between each other.


This tutorial is similar to the tutorials_router_change_domain tutorial, since we will launch a talker and a listener on different domains and connect them with the . The difference between both tutorials is that, in this one, one of the Participants will be configured using Fast DDS XML profiles.

The DDS protocol defines Domain Id as a parameter for every DomainParticipant. Different entities in different Domain Ids will never discover each other, and thus they will not communicate with each other. The can be used as a bridge between ROS 2 Domains, so that every node in a domain can communicate with every other node on another domain, as illustrated in the following figure:

This tutorial will use the demo_nodes_cpp package, available in the Vulcanexus Desktop distribution. Two ROS 2 nodes, a talker and a listener, will be launched on different ROS 2 Domains, so that they cannot communicate between each other. Then, the will be used as a bridge between the two Domains, allowing the listener to receive the messages from the talker.


To proceed, please install Vulcanexus with one of the following installation methods:

  • linux_binary_installation
  • linux_source_installation
  • docker_installation

Deploy ROS 2 nodes

Let us start by running the ROS 2 talker and listener nodes.

Environment setup

To run the nodes, we need to set up the Vulcanexus environment so that the demo_nodes_cpp package is available. There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Running the Vulcanexus Docker image.

    Run the Vulcanexus Docker image by executing:

    docker run -it ubuntu-vulcanexus:iron-desktop

    And then, source the Vulcanexus installation by executing (inside the container):

    source /opt/vulcanexus/iron/setup.bash
  2. Setting up a development environment on the local host.

    To do this, the vucanexus-iron-desktop package is needed, since it includes all the simulation tools, demos, and tutorials.

    Set up the Vulcanexus environment by executing:

    source /opt/vulcanexus/iron/setup.bash

Running ROS 2 nodes

Run a ROS 2 demo_nodes_cpp talker on domain 0:

ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0 ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

Run a ROS 2 demo_nodes_cpp listener on domain 1:

ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

At this point, the listener should not receive any data from the talker since they are in different domains. To connect them, we will use the .

Deploy ROS 2 Router

To deploy the router, we need to create the configuration.

The following YAML configuration file configures a to create a Simple Participant on domain 0 and a Participant configured by XML on domain 1. This configuration is similar to the one in tutorials_router_change_domain: it generates a bridge between two domains (0 and 1).


Participant XML Configuration

supports loading XML configuration files to load profiles. These profiles are used to configure different DomainParticipants using profile names. Loading an XML file or setting the raw xml file in the YAML configuration file allows to load such profiles. Here there are the two ways to load them. For more information check the Load XML Configuration <>.


Simple Participant Domain 0

The Simple Participant is configured with a name, a kind, and a domain id (0 in this case).


XML Participant Domain 1

The XML Participant is configured with a name, a kind, and an XML profile tag that will be used to configure it. The XML configures the profile custom_participant_configuration as a default Participant on domain 1, so this Participant will run as a local participant on domain 1.


Running ROS 2 Router

Run the with the configuration file available at <path/to/file>/ros_2_router_xml_config.yaml.

ddsrouter --config-path <path/to/file>/ros_2_router_xml_config.yaml

The output from the should be something like:

Starting DDS Router Tool execution.
DDS Router running.

If so, the has started correctly and it is currently running. Once the is running, it will forward the messages from the talker on domain 0 to the listener on domain 1. In order to close the execution, press ^C or send a signal (SIGINT 2 or SIGTERM 15) to close it.