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Monitoring ROS 2 with Fast DDS Statistics Backend


Vulcanexus integrates :ref:`fastdds_statistics_backend`, which is a useful tool for monitoring and studying a ROS 2 network since ROS 2 relies on the DDS specification to communicate the different nodes. This tool will be used to create a monitoring application tailored to the user's needs. Therefore, this tutorial provides a step by step tutorial on how to create your first application as a ROS 2 package to monitor your ROS 2 deployment.


This tutorial will use the demo_nodes_cpp package, available in the Vulcanexus Desktop distribution. First, a ROS 2 talker is launched and then a listener node is started in the same machine. At this point, the monitor application created using the Fast DDS Statistics Backend library will be deployed to record and present the overall communication performance.


It is required to have previously installed Vulcanexus using one of the following installation methods:

Ensure that the Vulcanexus installation includes Vulcanexus Tools (either vulcanexus-iron-desktop, vulcanexus-iron-tools, or vulcanexus-iron-base).

Creating the monitor package and application

In this section the monitoring application is created from scratch, covering the creation of the working environment and the development of the source code.

Creating the application workspace

The application workspace will have the following structure at the end of the project.

└── src
    └── monitor_tutorial
        ├── src
            └── monitor.cpp
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        └── package.xml

Let's create the ROS 2 workspace and package by running the following commands:

mkdir -p ros2_ws/src
cd ros2_ws/src
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake monitor_tutorial --dependencies fastcdr fastrtps fastdds_statistics_backend

You will now have a new folder within your workspace src directory called monitor_tutorial.

Writing the monitor application

From the ros_ws/src/monitor_tutorial/src directory in the workspace, run the following command to download the monitor.cpp file.

wget -O monitor.cpp \

This is the C++ source code for the application. This source code can also be found here.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++

Examining the code

At the beginning of the file, the Doxygen style comment block with the @file field states the name of the file.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 15-18

Below are the includes of the C++ headers that allow the use of Fast DDS and Fast DDS Statistics Backend API.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 28-31

Next, we define the namespace that contains the Fast DDS Statistics Backend classes and functions that we are going to use in our application.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 33

The next line creates the :class:`Monitor` class that implements the monitor.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 35

The public constructor and destructor of the :class:`Monitor` class are defined below. The constructor initializes the protected data members of the class to the values passed as arguments. The class destructor stops the monitor.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 39-54

Continuing with the public member functions of the :class:`Monitor` class, the next snippet of code defines the public initialization member function. This function performs several actions:

  1. Initialize the monitor.
  2. Check the monitor has a valid id in the Statistics Backend database.
  3. Assign the physical listener to the Statistics Backend. This listener will capture any update in the discovery of DDS entities.
.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 56-68

To run the monitor, the public member function run() is implemented. This function search for the rt/chatter topic in the Statistics Backend database by calling the get_topic_id() function. If this is found, the we can proceed to compute the actual statistics data. In order to do so, it calls get_fastdds_latency_mean() and get_publication_throughput_mean() public member functions explained below.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 70-86

As introduced before, the get_topic_id() public member function get the id of the topic searching by topic name and data type name.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 88-108

The public member function get_fastdds_latency_mean() gets the Fast DDS latency mean of the last t_interval seconds between the talker and the listener. To achieve this the function performs several actions:

  1. Get the Publishers and Subscriptions in a Topic.
  2. Get the current time.
  3. Get the mean of the FASTDDS_LATENCY of the last time interval between the Publishers and Subscriptions publishing under and subscribed to the given topic, rt/chatter in this case.
.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 109-155

Finally, the public member function get_publication_throughput_mean() gets the publication throughput mean of the last t_interval seconds of the talker. The function has a similar execution procedure than the previous one but in this case it query the mean of the PUBLICATION_THROUGHPUT instead of the FASTDDS_LATENCY.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 156-197

Then, the protected :class:`Listener` class is defined by inheriting from the PhysicalListener class. This class overrides the default PhysicalListener callbacks, which allows the execution of routines in case of an event.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 214-226

Within the PhysicalListener class, we can override several callback to adapt how the monitor application reacts to some events. These overridden callbacks are:

  • on_host_discovery() allows the definition of a series of actions when a new host is detected.

    .. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
        :language: C++
        :lines: 226-241
  • on_user_discovery() detects when a new user is discovered.

    .. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
        :language: C++
        :lines: 242-257
  • on_process_discovery() involves when a new process is discovered.

    .. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
        :language: C++
        :lines: 258-273
  • on_topic_discovery() is called when a new Topic is discovered.

    .. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
        :language: C++
        :lines: 274-295
  • on_participant_discovery() is called when a new participant is discovered.

    .. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
        :language: C++
        :lines: 296-313
  • on_datareader_discovery() and on_datawriter_discovery() involves when a new DataReader or DataWriter respectively are discovered.

    .. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
        :language: C++
        :lines: 314-349

Finally, the monitor application is initialized and run in main function.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/src/monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 360-375


Include at the end of the CMakeList.txt file you created earlier the following code snippet. This adds all the source files needed to build the executable, and links the executable and the library together.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_tutorial/CMakeLists.txt
    :language: cmake
    :lines: 40-49

This file can also be downloaded with this command in ros_ws/src/monitor_tutorial directory:

wget -O CMakeList.txt \

Running the application

At this point the project is ready for building, compiling and running the application. From the base workspace directory (ros_ws), run the following commands.

colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run monitor_tutorial monitor_tutorial

Then open two more terminals and load the Vulcanexus environment. Then, in one of them run a talker and in the other one a listener of the demo_nodes_cpp ROS 2 package, available in the Vulcanexus Desktop distribution.

  • Terminal 1:

    source /opt/vulcanexus/iron/setup.bash
    ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
  • Terminal 2:

    source /opt/vulcanexus/iron/setup.bash
    ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener


In order to monitor other statistics topics, add them to environment variable FASTDDS_STATISTICS. Check the statistics topics available in the Fast DDS Documentation.

You should be able to see something similar to the following image.


Next steps

Now you can develop more functionalities in your application, such as collecting more performance data or monitoring other topics. You can check also :ref:`this tutorial <tutorials_tools_prometheus>` explaining how to connect an application developed with the Fast DDS Statistics Backend to a visualization tool like Grafana.

For more information about Fast DDS Statistics Backend features please refer to the project's documentation.