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Fast DDS Statistics Backend Monitoring to SQL


Vulcanexus integrates :ref:`fastdds_statistics_backend`, which is a useful tool for monitoring and studying a ROS 2 network since ROS 2 relies on the DDS specification to communicate the different nodes. The interaction with this tool is through a C++ API, which could be leveraged to create powerful monitoring tools developed by the user. In this tutorial we show how to create an application consisting of a :ref:`fastdds_statistics_backend` connected with a SQL in-disk database.



This tutorial assumes the reader has already reviewed :ref:`previous tutorial <tutorials_tools_monitor_with_backend>` and understands how Fast DDS Statistics Backend works and how to interact with it.

Within this tutorial we explain how to create an application using the Fast DDS Statistics Backend to store instrumentation data. The final application created will store latency and throughput data of chatter topic in an in-disk relational SQL database.


It is required to have previously installed Vulcanexus using one of the following installation methods:

Ensure that the Vulcanexus installation includes Vulcanexus Tools (either vulcanexus-iron-desktop, vulcanexus-iron-tools, or vulcanexus-iron-base).


This tutorial uses SQLite3 as SQL library to connect with an in-disk database. This SQLite3 is already installed in Vulcanexus environment.

Resultant Database

This tutorial executable monitor_sql_tutorial produces a database stored with name vulcanexus_monitor.db in the workspace where launched. This database contains one table called data with 3 columns:

  • timestamp [key] Time since linux based time in milliseconds
  • latency_median Median of Latency in the interval timestamp - 5000 : timestamp in nanoseconds.
  • throughput_mean Median of Throughput in the interval timestamp - 5000 : timestamp in MB/second.

Every 5000 ms the program calls the Statistics Backend API and stores the results for latency median and throughput mean for all Nodes using chatter topic. The timestamp column is the key of the table as it cannot be repeated. It is stored as a number and not as string or timestamp to simplify the tutorial.

There exists a useful browser application to visualize the data inside a database file: The resultant database should look similar to the following one:



It is possible that some data is not available because it is not being published from the entities. In these cases Statistics Backend returns NaN, which is parsed as a 0 when inserted in the database to avoid format issues.

Creating the monitor package and application

This section explains the source code required to implement this tutorial. However, some code is reused from :ref:`previous tutorial <tutorials_tools_monitor_with_backend>` and will not be repeated here.

Creating the application workspace

The application workspace will have the following structure at the end of the tutorial.

└── src
    └── monitor_sql_tutorial
        ├── src
        |   └── sql_monitor.cpp
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        └── package.xml

Let's create the ROS 2 workspace and package by running the following commands:

mkdir -p ros2_ws/src
cd ros2_ws/src
ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake monitor_sql_tutorial --dependencies fastcdr fastrtps fastdds_statistics_backend sqlite3_vendor

You should now see a new folder within your workspace src directory called monitor_sql_tutorial. This command also creates an include folder that is not needed for this tutorial.

Writing the monitor application

From the ros_ws/src/monitor_sql_tutorial/src directory in the workspace, run the following command to download the sql_monitor.cpp file.

wget -O sql_monitor.cpp \

This is the C++ source code for the application. This source code can also be found here.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++

Examining the code

Before declaring the main class, there are some definitions that could be changed before compiling.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 38-43

The main class called Monitor creates the database and initializes the monitor in construction.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 49-69

And it closes them in destruction.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 71-75

The routine of the instance is an infinite loop where, if the topic has already been discovered, it stores data in the database. This is similar to :ref:`previous tutorial <tutorials_tools_monitor_with_backend>`.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 77-94

The database is opened if exists, or created otherwise. It is initialized with the table data. In case opening or creating the table fails, the execution will finish. In exit, it closes the database.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 176-197

The routine to store new data in the database firstly calls the Statistics Bakend. Then it loads the data received in a query previously written. Finally it executes the query to insert the data.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 204-225

The queries used to interact with the database are defined inside the class as static const variables.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 229-238

Finally, the monitor application is initialized and run in main function.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/src/sql_monitor.cpp
    :language: C++
    :lines: 251-260


Include at the end of the CMakeLists.txt file you created earlier the following code snippet. This adds all the source files needed to build the executable, and links the executable and the library together.

.. literalinclude:: /../code/monitor_sql_tutorial/CMakeLists.txt
    :language: cmake
    :lines: 42-52

This file can also be downloaded with this command in ros_ws/src/monitor_sql_tutorial directory:

wget -O CMakeLists.txt \

Running the application

At this point the project is ready for building, compiling and running the application. From the base workspace directory (ros_ws), run the following commands.

colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run monitor_sql_tutorial monitor_sql_tutorial

Now open two more terminals and load the Vulcanexus environment. Then, run a talker and a listener of the demo_nodes_cpp ROS 2 package, available in the Vulcanexus Desktop distribution, in a different terminal each.

  • Terminal 1:

    source /opt/vulcanexus/iron/setup.bash
    ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
  • Terminal 2:

    source /opt/vulcanexus/iron/setup.bash
    ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener


In order to monitor other statistics topics, add them to environment variable FASTDDS_STATISTICS. Check the statistics topics available in the Fast DDS Documentation.

Next steps

Now you can develop more functionalities in your application, such as collecting more performance data or monitoring other topics. You may also check :ref:`this tutorial <tutorials_tools_prometheus>` explaining how to connect an application developed with the Fast DDS Statistics Backend to a visualization tool like Grafana.

For more information about Fast DDS Statistics Backend features please refer to the project's documentation.