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Lukas Dürrenberger edited this page Jun 27, 2017 · 2 revisions


Schiffbruch is a mix of building, strategy and adventure and gets played with a two-dimensional view. The game deals with the consequences of a ship wreckage. You're stranded on a desert island and have to survive. In order to do so you need to explore the island, find food, build a shelter and try to get attention, so you get found.

This is a modern port of the rather old German game Schiffbruch written by Dirk Plate back in 1999. When I was younger, I've played it a lot and liked it very much. Unfortunately it doesn't run nicely on newer computers, thus I'm creating this port. Getting a working game however is not the only goal, instead I'm quite interested in turning the one file with over 10k lines into a modern C++ code base.


This Wiki is mostly dedicated to providing guides for building this port or to document specific in-game behavior for future reference.

But if someone feels the need to write guides for actually playing the game, feel free to contribute!

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