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Tiva C on MacOS

Akshay U Hegde edited this page Jun 24, 2017 · 4 revisions

Setup of CCS 7:

Development can be performed using Code Composer Studio 7 for Mac (CCS 7 for Mac), which does not support certain TI devices (supports Tiva C), but is otherwise straightforward to install.

Tivaware Installation:

Tivaware, a software suite for Tiva C development has no Mac version, hence used Tivaware for Windows, renamed .exe to .zip, and extracted into CCS 7 home folder on Mac.

Running first code:

Running the code on the MCU is identical to that on Windows, as given in the Lab 0 handout. No hassles regarding drivers and debugging.

TI-RTOS Installation:

Followed the same procedure as in Linux, and used the Resource Explorer for installation of TI-RTOS and XDC Tools. No incompatability issues.

Quantum Framework Issues

Quantum Framework has only limited support for macOS. QM Modelling tool is completely supported but the QPC framework required porting over from Linux. Also gnu-make and GNU ARM Toolchain ported over from Windows.

BIN file dump Issues

Able to generate bin file from the makefile in example code, but code dumping an issue, with UniFlash programmer completely erasing code on Tiva C to the point where further code cannot be dumped unless completely reset using LMFlash Programmer.