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Installation Guide: Step 3

Rohit Rathi edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

Setup account linking in Google Assistant

  1. In the DialogFlow console, goto Integrations and select Google Assistant
  2. In the popup, check the "Sign in required" checkbox for Explicit Invocation
  3. Click on "Manage Assistant App" to open google actions page
  4. Select account linking from the Advanced options in the bottom left corner
  5. Select "Only allow account creation on my website"
  6. Choose "OAuth" & "Implicit" in Linking type
  7. Enter any particular String in Client ID box (this can be anything) (It can be used to check on the server side that the request coming from google for account linking is actually coming from google)
  8. Enter <eyantra-iot-server-url>/oauth in Authorisation URL box (This requires https enabled url, make sure your eYantra server is hosted with https)
  9. Leave the Client configuration empty
  10. Put working pair of <username> & <password> in Testing instructions part (This will be used by google review team. Don't provide real user account, a trial working account with no rights will be fine)