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eagleflies edited this page Mar 21, 2015 · 3 revisions

Placeholder for all ideas about Noblecoin's future


  • I've volunteered to help with marketing
  • I also believe that one of the best things going for us is how widely accepted we already are. Their's very few coins that can claim to be supported by over 50 merchants. Increasing this number will only help =)
  • Our last campaign has ~75 unique users, and I don't even know how many dummy accounts. If 100 people tweet in 1 week that they should support us, they'll take notice. What are your favorite crypto Services and marketplaces? Let's pick 5 and get a campaign going.
  • Should we start a new thread? It's important that we have an up-to-date, and good looking OP. With the giant quote at the top of our current thread, it looks sloppy and something i'd avoid if I were a new investor.. I doubt rofo will be cleaning this up anytime soon.
    Not to mention pools are still listed, broken links, etc.
  • Lastly, NOBL's big claim to fame started out with charity. We need to get back to our roots, and become a charitable coin again. This is what makes headlines.


  • I could understand why Rofo would see the shit happeniong earlier as a takeover, but if we work TOGETHER I think we could get whatever needs to be done, DONE!
  • At least get Rofo to appoint a spokesperson. This would ease the pressure both on NoXT and NOBL considerably. We live in the age of instant gratification, and have to work on that term sadly. If this was the case at least I personally would be willing to donate large amounts of time and work to help get this back on track, and I am SURE there is other people thinking the same.
  • Lets ALL pull our finger out and get some shit done instead of sitting on a forum, or in a trollbox and complain about it! I don't think I am the only one that have been sitting on the fence for too long, and its about time we DO something about it.


  • Now I don't get the panic mode on this thread... All these posts are just about short term price... WTF guys. We used to have an interesting thread full of ideas, and constructive interactions... In my opinion this panic mode is driven by just a few short-term oriented people who thought a move to POS would increase price. Tough luck guys. In fact I believe that the price drop is a good thing for Noble: we may get rid of those people who don't understand the distinction between value and price. It's setting the basis for long term value.
  • New thread? If you want to remove the history of interesting discussions and keep only PnD style crap. History has value in itself...
  • Live discussion on IRC? 1)This is a global currency, that goes across 24 time-zone... 2) This is not good for people who are not 24/7 on IRC or BCT (e.g. cc traders)... if you want to have all people (e.g. investors/stakeholders) to contribute keep discussions in the forum
  • Twitter campaign? What for? Sorry i don't get it. You may be confusing price and value...
  • Direction for the coin. Rofo had a vision, why not start from that and build plans based on it?
  • New merchants is definitely a good thing. Shapeshift?
  • From a development standpoint, what can be done with Colored coins? NobleNXT? Supernet?