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About Portfolio Management Project

Back in 2012 I was asked by a potential employer to create in a couple of days a very simple, quick Ruby on Rails website demonstrating stocks, users and their portfolios using bootstrap look and feel. It actually took me several days to complete it, but now i have transformed it into a tutorial on how to build a Ruby on Rails project from scratch, with all kinds of concerns; authentication, authorization, testing, etc. This is the project I came up with. Follow these instructions to get the application up and running. Make sure Ruby is ~> 2.2.5 and Rails is ~> 4.1.16


rails new portfolio-mgmt
cd portfolio-mgmt

Add to gemfile

gem 'therubyracer'
gem 'less-rails'
gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails'

Execute from shell

bundle install
rails g bootstrap:install
rails g bootstrap:layout application fixed
rails g rspec:install

(optionally delete /test folder for the upcoming test framework)

rails g scaffold portfolio name:string ssn:string
rails g scaffold stock symbol:string name:string price:float
rails g scaffold holding portfolio_id:integer stock_id:integer quantity:integer

create relationships

in Holding

    belongs_to :portfolio
    belongs_to :stock

in Portfolio

    has_many :holdings, :dependent => :destroy

in Stock

    has_many :stocks, :through => :holdings
    has_many :holdings

remove public/index.html and create a Home Page

rails generate controller Pages home
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
rails g bootstrap:themed portfolios -f
rails g bootstrap:themed stocks -f
rails g bootstrap:themed holdings -f

Database creation and migration

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

Adding test data

Add test data to the seeds.rb file, so you can play around with the website

goog = Stock.create(symbol: 'GOOG', name: 'Google Inc.', price: 557.0)
orcl = Stock.create(symbol: 'ORCL', name: 'Oracle Inc.', price: 41.0)
intc = Stock.create(symbol: 'INTC', name: 'Intel Corp.', price: 31.0)
joe = Portfolio.create(name: 'Joe Doe', ssn: '123-45-6789')
jane = Portfolio.create(name: 'Jane Doe', ssn: '987-65-4321')
Holding.create(portfolio: joe, stock: goog, quantity: 100)
Holding.create(portfolio: joe, stock: orcl, quantity: 100)
Holding.create(portfolio: joe, stock: intc, quantity: 100)
Holding.create(portfolio: jane, stock: goog, quantity: 200)
Holding.create(portfolio: jane, stock: orcl, quantity: 200)

run the following to populate database with test data

rake db:seed

Start the webserver

rails s

Security Concerns

Must add authentication to the website, so i decided to use the has_secure_password feature that comes with Rails 4.X. So start by adding a User model with a password_digest:string and either a username:string or email:string for login purposes.

rails g scaffold user first_name:string last_name:string dob:date email:string address:string city:string state:string password_digest:string
rails g migration add_user_id_to_portfolio user_id:int

in model User add the authentication feature and a few validations

	validates :password,:length => { :minimum => 8 }
	validates_confirmation_of :password
	validates :email, presence: true, allow_nil: false, uniqueness: {scope: :email}
    has_many :portfolios

create relationships in Portfolio

    belongs_to :user

convert users into the bootstrap theme

rails g bootstrap:themed users -f

Replace test data in the seeds.rb file with the following

joe = User.create(first_name: 'Joe', last_name: 'Doe', dob: '1955-03-03', email: '', address: '123 Main St', city: 'My City', state: 'FL', password: 'secret123', password_confirmation: 'secret123')
jane = User.create(first_name: 'Jane', last_name: 'Doe', dob: '1958-05-05', email: '',  address: '123 Main St', city: 'My City', state: 'FL', password: 'secret123', password_confirmation: 'secret123')
goog = Stock.create(symbol: 'GOOG', name: 'Google Inc.', price: 557.0)
orcl = Stock.create(symbol: 'ORCL', name: 'Oracle Inc.', price: 41.0)
intc = Stock.create(symbol: 'INTC', name: 'Intel Corp.', price: 31.0)
appl = Stock.create(symbol: 'APPL', name: 'Apple Inc.',  price: 75.0)
ret = Portfolio.create(user: joe, name: 'Joe Retirement', ssn: '123-45-6789')
inv1 = Portfolio.create(user: jane, name: 'Jane Investment', ssn: '987-65-4321')
inv2 = Portfolio.create(user: joe, name: 'Joe Investment', ssn: '123-45-6789')
Holding.create(portfolio: ret, stock: goog, quantity: 100)
Holding.create(portfolio: ret, stock: orcl, quantity: 100)
Holding.create(portfolio: ret, stock: intc, quantity: 100)
Holding.create(portfolio: ret, stock: appl, quantity: 100)
Holding.create(portfolio: inv1, stock: goog, quantity: 200)
Holding.create(portfolio: inv1, stock: orcl, quantity: 200)
Holding.create(portfolio: inv2, stock: goog, quantity: 80)
Holding.create(portfolio: inv2, stock: orcl, quantity: 80)
Holding.create(portfolio: inv2, stock: intc, quantity: 80)

Internationalization Concern

Create the following files:

	config/locales/es.bootstrap.yml & es.bootstrap.yml

files for bootstrap specific translations

	config/locales/models/portfolio/en.yml & es.yml

files for Portfolio model's attributes translations. Do the same for all the models.

	config/locales/views/portfolios/en.yml & es.yml

files for Portfolio view's special tag translations. Do the same for all the views of all your models.

Tests Concern

Add test data

How to run the test suite

Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

Deployment instructions

...more to come

Please feel free to use this project as an introduction to a Ruby on Rails tutorial, touching different concerns you will need to implement out there in the real world as a developer.


Website demonstrating portfolio management for investment clients






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