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Italian Restaurant

This is a project to develop an Italian Restaurant. Menu, products, chefs, orders and inventories will be included.


  • Product Entity - This entity will be used to create products like pizza, hamburgers, pasta and beverages.
  • Ingredient Entity - This entity will be used to create ingredients to make the products of the restaurant.
  • Inventory Ingredient Entity - This entity will be used to store the Ingredients and its quantity
  • Inventory Entity - This entity will store all the items and their quantities
  • Order details Entity - This entity will store all the details of the order .
  • Order entity - This order will be used to process the client order.
  • Chef entity - This entity will be used to create the different chefs who will work in the restaurant.


  • Generic Repository - This repository will be used as an interface to expose generic methods that could be used by the developer in order to implement generic operation over a given entity.
  • Product Repository - This repository will be used to implement operations to manages products entities.
  • Item Repository - This repository will be used to implement operations to manages items entities.
  • Inventory Ingredient Repository - This repository will be used to implement operations to manages inventory ingredients entities.
  • Inventory Repository - This repository will be used to implement operations to manages inventory entities.
  • Order Repository - This repository will be used to implement operations to manages orders entities.
  • Order Detail Repository - This repository will be used to implement operations to manages orders detail entities.
  • Chef Repository - This repository will be used to implement operations to manages chef entities.


  • The controllers work as interface between users and repositories. they will respond to users events and make requests to repositories.

UML Diagram:


Project Setup

Download and install the following tools:

Windows users

  • Clone git Repository of this project EA_RESTAURANT.
    • Open terminal in pycharm.
  • Run command git checkout -b dev and then git pull origin dev
  • In Order to create a virtual environment run python -m venv .venv
  • In order to activate an environment run the following command: .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  • In order to set python Interpreter config the one installed inside .venv in pycharm ide.
  • In order to install library dependency run the following command : pip install -r requirements.txt
  • In order to update library dependency run the following command : pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • In order to set Environment variables file :
      • Use .env.local.example file to create the different environment files: local, dev, test.
      • choose under which environment you are going to work using command: SET ENV=local for local, SET ENV=test for testing.
      • Run the script that you want to run under chosen environment.

Generate proto python outputs

  • In order to generate proto python outputs use the following command:
  • python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --proto_path=src/proto --python_out=src/proto --grpc_python_out=src/proto --pyi_out=src/proto java_etl_grpc_client.proto

setup Data base:

  • Create POSTGRESQL database with the name: ea_restaurant following the next steps:

    • Install postgreSQL
    • Open pgAdmin
    • Go to tools and open Querytool run command CREATE DATABASE ea_restaurant
  • Run migrations:

Executing alembic upgrade head in a clean database will execute all migrations in the orders that migrations were created. Like example image.


To know more about migrations refer to migrations section.

  • Create MONGODB database with name: ea_restaurant and create a collection with name:order_status_histories following next steps:
    • Install MongoDb and MongoDb Compass
    • Open MongoDb Compass
    • Go to Database and create new Database with the name ea_restaurant and the collection order_status_histories


This project is Using Alembic for migrations. To install alembic in your project just run pip install alembic

Commands to use alembic:

  • Initialize: alembic init alembic
  • Migration Script: alembic revision -m "migration scrip name" This script contains some header information, identifiers for the current version and import a basic alembic directives, and empty upgrade() and downgrade() functions.
  • Upgrade: alembic upgrade <target-revision>
  • Downgrade: alembic downgrade <target-revision>
  • Upgrade to head: alembic upgrade head This command executes all migrations from the current point to the last.

Running tests

This project is using unittest for testing:

  • In order to set enviroment to run test:
    • create a test database example: ea_restaurant_test
    • set in console test ENV using set ENV=test
    • run migrations in test database using alembic upgrade head

To run tests just run python -m unittest discover --pattern=*

This project is using coverage for coverage. To run test coverage just run the commands:

  • coverage run: coverage run -m unittest discover --pattern=*
  • coverage report: coverage report --include='src/tests/*'
  • coverage html report: coverage html --include='src/tests/*'

Linter and Formatter

This project is using:


  • Format: black .
  • Sort imports: isort .
  • Lint file: pylint []


Italian Restaurant






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