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Implementation of ordered sets and maps.


Getting Started

Project is available for Scala 3.1.1.

Configure your build file (examples for build.sbt of SBT build tool):

  1. Add dependencies:
libraryDependencies += "io.github.earogov" %% "ordset" % "0.1.0"
libraryDependencies += "io.github.earogov" %% "ordset-commonsRandom" % "0.1.0"


name description
ordset Core module.
ordset-commonsRandom Random generator based on Apache Commons RNG. Generator is used internally by ordered sets and maps.
  1. If you need a snapshot version, add corresponding sonatype repository:
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")


Assume we have unbounded discrete domain of big integers:

import ordset.givens.bigInt.*

type Dom[X] = Domain.DiscreteUnbounded[X]

implicit val domainOps: DomainOps[BigInt, Dom] = DomainOps.default

val x: BoundBuilder[BigInt, Dom] = BoundBuilder[BigInt, Dom]

Let's create an ordered sets on it:

val a = OrderedSet.Try(
  x <= 10,
  x >= 20 & x <= 30,
  x >= 40

println(s"a = $a")

val b = OrderedSet.Try(
  x <= 5,
  x >= 15 & x <= 25,
  x >= 35 

println(s"b = $b")

The output is:

a = 
  {x <= 10} -> true,
  {10 < x < 20} -> false,
  {20 <= x <= 30} -> true,
  {30 < x < 40} -> false,
  {x >= 40} -> true

b = 
  {x <= 5} -> true,
  {5 < x < 15} -> false,
  {15 <= x <= 25} -> true,
  {25 < x < 35} -> false,
  {x >= 35} -> true

Here boolean values indicates whether interval is included in set or not. Now we can transform and compose sets with each other using familiar operators, for example:

val c = ~(a | b)

println(s"c = ~(a | b) = $c")

val d = ~a & ~b

println(s"d = ~a & ~b = $d")

We will get:

c = ~(a | b) = 
  {x <= 10} -> false,
  {10 < x < 15} -> true,
  {15 <= x <= 30} -> false,
  {30 < x < 35} -> true,
  {x >= 35} -> false

d = ~a & ~b = 
  {x <= 10} -> false,
  {10 < x < 15} -> true,
  {15 <= x <= 30} -> false,
  {30 < x < 35} -> true,
  {x >= 35} -> false

Ordered map is a similar concept, but instead of boolean value each interval is associated with some value of arbitrary type:

implicit val booleanOps: ValueOps[Boolean] = ValueOps.booleanValueOps

println("Initial ordered map:")
val map1  = OrderedMap.Try(
  -20 forAll x < 0,
  -5 forAll x >= 0 & x < 10,
  10 forAll x >= 10 & x < 20,
  -7 forAll x >= 20 & x < 30,
  15 forAll x >= 30 & x < 40,
  20 forAll x >= 40

println("Received ordered set:")
val set1 = >= 0)

It will print out:

Initial ordered map:
  {x < 0} -> -20,
  {0 <= x < 10} -> -5,
  {10 <= x < 20} -> 10,
  {20 <= x < 30} -> -7,
  {30 <= x < 40} -> 15,
  {x >= 40} -> 20

Received ordered set:
  {x < 10} -> false,
  {10 <= x < 20} -> true,
  {20 <= x < 30} -> false,
  {x >= 30} -> true

There a lot of other map operators such as zip, flatMap, patch, etc. And of course we can get a value associated with any element or bound, iterate over intervals and and so forth.