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Development - Debugging

A large number of tools and techniques have been used to get to grips with the Skyline code base, it's debugging, profiling, performance tuning, memory leaking and so forth. These tools and techniques give "some" insight into the number of objects, calls, reference counts, etc, etc. A myriad maze of Python's intestinal details, where it is possible to get lost and tangled up fairly quickly. Python being such a vast and mature ecosystem, the choices are vast. The following is for future reference on what works, where and how and how well. Due to the number of objects and calls that Skyline makes in a run some of these tools perform better than others, however it must be noted that there may be some tools that are very good, but do not necessarily give output that is useful in terms of making sense of some of it or knowing where to find the needle in the haystack, that is if you know it is a needle you are looking for and not a nail.

Code profiling

The following is a list and notes on some of the tools used, with examples if useful for future reference.

TODO - doc using vizsnake, cProfile, et al

Memory debugging

As per and

There are only a few reasons for memory leaks in Python.

  • There's some object you are opening (repeatedly) but not closing - plt.savefig
  • You are repeatedly adding data to a list/dict and not removing the old data. (for instance, if you're appending data to an array instead of replacing the array) - self.mirage_metrics.append(metric)
  • There's a memory leak in one of the libraries you're calling. (unlikely)

This is True, the hard part is finding 1 and 2 if you do not know what you are looking for or how to find it.


See examples of the implementation of the below in analyzer_debug/ at commit


A note on multiprocessing. multiprocessing has the advantage of a parent process not inheriting any memory leaks from a spawned process. When the process ends or is terminated by the parent, all memory is returned and there is no opportunity for the parent to inherit any objects from the spawned process other than what is returned by the process itself. This should probably be caveated with there may be a possibility that traceback objects may leak under certain circumstances.

The overall cost in terms of the memory consumed for the spawned process may be fairly high, currently in Analyzer around 80 MB, but it is known, whereas memory leaks are very undesirable.

A move has been made always use multiprocessing spawned processes to deal with any function or operation that involves surfacing and analyzing or processing any timeseries data, so that when done, there are no possibilities of incurring any memory leaks in the parent, e.g. triggering an alert_smtp is now a multiprocessing process, yes 80 MB of memory to send an email :)


To be honest in terms of identifying at which point memory leaks were occurring after trying all of the below listed tools, the one which end up pin pointing them was literally stepping through the code operation by operation and wrapping each operation in and in:

import resource'debug :: Memory usage before blah: %s (kb)' % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
# do blah'debug :: Memory usage after blah: %s (kb)' % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)

This was done iteratively at selected points where memory leaking was suspected to be occurring. This enabled identifying exactly what the before and after memory usage where in terms of when functions where executed and after the process the memory usage incremented up and the increment remained.

Days were spent trying to glean this exact information with all the below mentioned tools and techniques, but in terms of debugging and understanding Analyzer's memory usage and allocation none provided exact enough actionable information, in all likelihood this was probably a result of a PEBKAB type of problem and possibly not wielding the tools to their full potential. That said they definitely do provide some insight in other ways.


Some simple use of pmap can highlight a memory leak if there are a large number of anon allocations and also gives a good overview of what the process is using in terms of memory and by what.

From the command line query the app parent pid to determine all the allocations using more than 1000 kb of memory e.g.

pmap 4306 | sed 's/\]//' | awk '{print $2 " " $NF}' | sed 's/K / /' | sort -n | awk '$1 > 1000'

The output is similar to

1012 /opt/python_virtualenv/projects/skyline2711/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/
1392 /opt/python_virtualenv/projects/skyline2711/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/special/
1504 /opt/python_virtualenv/projects/skyline2711/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/
1516 /opt/python_virtualenv/projects/skyline2711/bin/python2.7
35920 /opt/python_virtualenv/projects/skyline2711/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/.libs/
63524 anon
96844 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
798720 798720K

If you pmap a spawned process rather than the parent process fairly variable results are expected.

In terms of catching python memory leaks, you can grep out the anon allocations at intervals between app runs

pmap 4306 | sed 's/\]//' | awk '{print $2 " " $NF}' | sed 's/K / /' | sort -n | awk '$1 > 1000' | grep anon | tee /tmp/pmap.4306.anon.1
# Some minutes later
pmap 4306 | sed 's/\]//' | awk '{print $2 " " $NF}' | sed 's/K / /' | sort -n | awk '$1 > 1000' | grep anon | tee /tmp/pmap.4306.anon.2
diff /tmp/pmap.4306.anon.1 /tmp/pmap.4306.anon.2

An anon process with incrementing memory usage is a likely list candidate. More and more added anon objects is likely something/s with a reference cycle or some object not closed, e.g. a matplotlib savefig which does not have fig.clf() and plt.close() on it (although did not help).


Forcing Python garbage collection can be useful in terms of determining objects, type and reference counts

from gc import get_objects
# Debug with garbage collection -
import gc

# Before something
before = defaultdict(int)
after = defaultdict(int)
for i in get_objects():
    before[type(i)] += 1

# Something or lots of things

for i in get_objects():
    after[type(i)] += 1
gc_result = [(k, after[k] - before[k]) for k in after if after[k] - before[k]]
for i in gc_result:'debug :: %s' % str(i))

In the relevant log there will be a ton of output similar to this

tail -n 1000 /var/log/skyline/analyzer.log | grep " (<" | grep "14:21:4"
2016-08-06 14:21:44 :: 1349 :: (<class '_ast.Eq'>, 36)
2016-08-06 14:21:44 :: 1349 :: (<class '_ast.AugLoad'>, 36)
2016-08-06 14:21:44 :: 1349 :: (<class 'six.Module_six_moves_urllib'>, 36)
2016-08-06 14:21:44 :: 1349 :: (<class 'scipy.stats._continuous_distns.lognorm_gen'>, 36)
2016-08-06 14:21:44 :: 1349 :: (<class '_weakrefset.WeakSet'>, 6480)
2016-08-06 14:21:44 :: 1349 :: (<class 'scipy.stats._continuous_distns.halfnorm_gen'>, 36)
2016-08-06 14:21:44 :: 1349 :: (<class 'matplotlib.markers.MarkerStyle'>, 4318)

Forcing gc.collect() every run did seem ease a memory leak initially, but it did not solve it and gc.collect() over the period of 12 hours took increasing long to run. Preferably gc should only ever be used in Skyline for debugging and development.


pyflakes is useful for finding imported and defined things that are not used and do not need to be imported, every little helps.

(skyline2711) earthgecko@localhost:/opt/python_virtualenv/projects/skyline2711$ bin/python2.7 -m flake8 --ignore=E501 /home/earthgecko/github/skyline/develop/skyline/skyline/analyzer/
/home/earthgecko/github/skyline/develop/skyline/skyline/analyzer/ F401 'msgpack.unpackb' imported but unused
/home/earthgecko/github/skyline/develop/skyline/skyline/analyzer/ F401 'os.system' imported but unused
/home/earthgecko/github/skyline/develop/skyline/skyline/analyzer/ F401 'socket' imported but unused
/home/earthgecko/github/skyline/develop/skyline/skyline/analyzer/ F401 'sys' imported but unused
/home/earthgecko/github/skyline/develop/skyline/skyline/analyzer/ F403 'from algorithm_exceptions import *' used; unable to detect undefined names
/home/earthgecko/github/skyline/develop/skyline/skyline/analyzer/ F401 'mem_top.mem_top' imported but unused


Does not work with Pandas and 2.7


Some info but moved on to other tools - see analyzer_debug app


pytracker, although did not get to far with pytracker, could only get it running in could not get any Trackable outputs in all None?

See analyzer_debug app.


Some useful info, see analyzer_debug app.

guppy and heapy

heapy or hpy can given some useful insight similar to resource.