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utility functions and helper classes i use in my apps are now in one library

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this is a library containing utility functions (many of them kotlin extension functions) and helper classes that I use in my apps to remove boilerplate code and make application code more concise and readable

now they are all in one library so that i don't have to search older projects and copy paste them one by one


//add this to your project build.gradle file    
allprojects {    
   repositories {    
      maven { url '' }    
//add this to your app build.gradle file    
dependencies {    
   implementation 'com.github.easazade:android-util-functions:$last_version'    


functions Description
bind(..) A pattern for easier view binding for activities with lazy instantiation example val image:ImageView by bind(id)
_convertImplicitIntentToExplicit(..) ..
_openSettings(..) opens app settings
_askToTurnOnLocationIfOff(..) shows a dialog to user asking him to grant access to device location
_getAppVersion(..) returns app version
_showSnackBarMessage(..) helper function to show a customized snackbar message
_generateRandomName(length) generates a random name with the given length
_enableStrictMode enables strict mode
_isConnected(..) checks for device's connectivity
pair(t,n) return a new instance of pair object just like using Pair(t,n)
_showStackTrace() shows the stacktrace in the logcat using Timber library
_currentTime() return a Timestamp object with the value of now
_getTodayDate() return a gregorian date in a string with a format like this -> 2019/2/24 (year/month/day)
_getTodayDateTime() return a gregorian datetime in a string with a format like this -> 2019-2-24 20:45:00 (year-month-day hour:minute:second)
_callNumber(activity, number) launches android telephone activity with the given number dialed
_randomNumber(min, max) return a random Long number between given min and max
_launchBrowserAndOpenUrl(activity, url) launches a browser and opens with the given url checks for the url validity first
_px2dp(px,context) converts px to dp
_dp2px(dp,context) converts dp to px

extension functions Description
Timestamp.dateHumanReadable() returns a Jalali date in a string format year/month/day
EditText._showKeyboard() shows android soft keyboard
Number.localNumbers() return a local format of the number as String
Timestamp._dateHumanReadableformatLocale() return a string format of year/month/day of the timestamp with numbers being in local format
Timestamp._getDiff(..) return a tuple of delta -> days , hours , minutes , seconds
Timestamp._timePassedFromNow() returns a human readable string showing time past from now in farsi like دو روز پیش
FragmentActivity._hideKeyboard() hides keyboard
AlertDialog._showWithTypeface(..) same as show() method but sets a typeface for the dialog
Toolbar._setDefaultTypeface(..) -
FragmentActivity._getScreenSize() returns screen size of device
String._nullIfBlank() -
String._isValidEmailAddress() -
String._isValidUrl() -

List utility functions Description
MutableList<T>._getPagination(page, count) returns the page items of the given page based on the page number and count of items in each page
_compareLists(..) returns a pair of lists that each contains the different items each provided list argument have if there is no difference both returned list in Pair object will be empty
MutableList<T>._addAllIfNotExists(..) add items to the list from new items if they do not match the predicate with any items in list return list of indexes from new items list that were added to the list
MutableList<T>._addOrUpdateAll() add items to the list from newItems if they do not with any items in list (don't already exists) and if they exists they will be replaced by the newer version from newItems list return list of indexes from newItems list that were added to the list or replaced another item in list
MutableList<T>._contains(item,predicate) checks if any item in the list matches our parameter item using predicate to find a match

file IO utility functions Description
_resizeLargeImage(..) resizes large images based on a max number of pixels given. so that image won't have more pixels than the limitation
_resizeLargeImageCompressAndReturnAsFile(..) compresses and resizes image without loss of quality and returns as file
_readFileFromAssetsAndCopyToCache() reads file from asset directory and copies them to cache directory return copied file



a context-wrapper to override the operating system locale and make app to use the locale we want

abstract class BaseActivity : AppCompatActivity() {   
  override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context?) {    
  //rest of the code  


this is a callback class supporting all 3 states of AppBarLayout which are EXPANDED, COLLAPSED, IDLE

appBarLayout.addOnOffsetChangedListener(AppBarStateChangeListener { appBar, state ->    
  when (state) {    
    COLLAPSED -> {}   
    IDLE -> {}  
    EXPANDED -> {}  
//can always get current state of appBarLayout if we have a reference to the listener  
val listener:AppBarStateChangeListener = ...  
//some code ...  
val state = listener.currentState  


Represents a generic tuple of four values

val tuple = Quadruple(request,status,response,null)  


utility functions and helper classes i use in my apps are now in one library






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