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The purpose of this library is to compile graph-based presentation of a function to efficient code. In that graph, elementary operations are nodes, and their direct arguments/dependencies represented by edges.

Unlike with conventional dependency injection container, we introduce an automatic derivation of a value scope, which allows seamless incorporation of advanced code structures like loops and closures.

Please see this article for detailed introductory rational.



(require '[ea.core :refer :all])

(def app (atom {}))

(define app :a 
  :fn (fn [] 1))

(define app :ab
  :args [:a :b]
  :fn (fn [a b]
        (+ a b)))
(define app :ac
  :args [:a :c]
  :fn (fn [a c]
        (+ a c)))
(define app :ab+ac
  :args [:ab :ac]
  :fn +)
(def ab+ac 
  (compile-app app      ; spec  
               :ab+ac   ; What we want to compute/run (main)
               [:b :c]  ; What we are ready to supply (seed arguments)
(ab+ac 1 2) ; => 5

ab+ac function generated above is literally equivalent to the following

(defn ab+ac [b c]
  (let [a (a-fn)
        ab (ab-fn a b)
        ac (ac-fn a c)]
    (+ ab ac)))   

Multi-level (multi-scope) function

(define app :a
  :fn (fn [] 1))
(define app :ab
  :args [:a :b]
  :fn +)
(define-level app :ab-fn 
  :ab   ; main
  [:b]  ; seed arguments

(define app :main
  :args [:ab-fn]
  :fn (fn [ab-fn]
        (+ (ab-fn 1) (ab-fn 2))))
(def main 
  (compile-app app :main []))
(main) ; => 5 (During `main` call `:a` was called only once)


This work was initially inspired by The-Kiln


Copyright © 2018 Eldar Gabdullin

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.