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Janneck Wullschleger edited this page Feb 2, 2015 · 6 revisions


tweap requires several installed packages to run

##Python3 Python3 download

##pip3 Download and run the script as follows, you’ll need to use sudo on mac, as the script will need privs to write into /Library dir

curl -O

sudo python3

Now you should be able to install pip, again you’ll need to run the script with python3 (not sure if sudo is definitely required this time)

curl -O

sudo python3

##ugettext (Mac) if you don't have brew yet, install it! (It's awesome anyways) ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

then you can run

brew install gettext

brew link gettext --force

##The rest pip3 install django-image-cropper

pip3 install django-rosetta

pip3 install easy-thumbnails

pip3 install pillow

pip3 install mysql-connector-python --allow-external mysql-connector-python

pip3 install -U selenium

##create data base create a database in your mySQL server (localhost, standard port 3306) with name tweap credentials must be username:'root' pw:'' or change them in [project_dir]/tweap/tweap/ -> DATABASES

move to project dir and then into the dir 'tweap' run from that dir:

python migrate

##start tweap move to project dir and then into the dir 'tweap' run from that dir:

python startserver

tweap should now be available via

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