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Flow EasyApp (build, depoy) Gogs@gh pages Github@gh pages

Bao Trinh edited this page Jan 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

How to setup configuration for EasyWeb websites to deploy

see Deployment overview, link

git-hook-listener also run on

  1. Add Demo webhook Url cho repository vừa tạo,, giống nhau cho tất cả repositories
  • call setup webhook trên gogs cho repository vừa tạo của user
  • image
  1. Create new repository on and point sub-domain to it
  • using common easyweb account, ewh-support, pass: đã share
  • create sub-domain and point to this repository using Cloudflare
  1. add config vào trong git-hook-listener, nằm trên
  • Manual or automatic call API to add config: phương bổ sung
  • use github repository created on step 2, and sample config, see image
  1. Update info to Stagging and Production section of EasyWeb account
  • Do manual by calling API (check first)
  • automatically update

Overview flow

EasyApp               Gogs(private git server)              Git-hook-listener                               Github
build and depoly   -> 
                      private repo got update
                      follow repo's webhook config  ->  
                                                        got POST (push event info) from gogs
                                                        clone or pull update from gogs repos  
                                                        follow config ('then' section) push data github
                                                                                     received update data in gh-pages branch
                                                                                         github gh-page site updated 


config nginx

  • Tạo virtual host -> port của git-hook-listener app
    listen 80;


    location / {
        proxy_pass; // port theo port dang config trong git-hook-listener


  • Create webhook setting
url: '' 
secret: match secret in git-hook-listener config

git-hook-listener config

  • hiện tại git-hook-listener se ignore tất cả command result error trong 'then' section và thực hiện command tiep theo
            "repoUrl": "", // gogs repo http url with username and password
            "branch": "gh-pages", // branch in push event send from gogs, use for matching gogs's event -> config
            "cloneBranch": "gh-pages", // branch git-hook-listener will clone (only affect first time clone) cac request sau la pull, cloneBranch không có tác dụng
            "path": "repositories/test-pull",
            "args": [],
            "then": [
	        // this command will only work first time, if change url use set-url command
                    "command": "git",
                    "args": [
                        "remote", "add", "github", ""
                    "options": {env: process.env, cwd: "repositories/test-pull"}
                // push to gh-pages github remote
                    "command": "git",
                    "args": [
                        "push", "--force", "github", "gh-pages"
                    "options": {env: process.env, cwd: "repositories/test-pull"}