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@ebaauw ebaauw released this 20 May 20:06
· 1370 commits to master since this release

Added description to http status error (e.g. 403 Forbidden instead of just 403).

Added a number of hacks for deCONZ support (see issue #112):

  • homebridge-hue should now discover deCONZ through UPnP;
  • Alternatively deCONZ might be specified as "host": "" in config.json (when running homebridge on the same Raspberry Pi as deCONZ;
  • For now, homebridge-hue uses the MAC address of the Raspberry Pi running deCONZ as the bridgeid. This will change to the MAC address of the RaspBee in a future version of the deCONZ REST API;
  • Specify username for undefined in config.json to use instead of unauthenticated GET /api/config.

In order to use homebridge-hue v0.4.7 with deCONZ v2.04.40 beta, follow these steps:

  1. Manually create a deCONZ username (e.g. using ph_createuser from Note that there's no linkbutton, instead you need to unlock the gateway under Settings in the Wireless Light Control web interface.
  2. Add two user entries to config.json, one for undefined and one for the MAC address of your Raspberry Pi:
    "users": {
      "undefined": "username",
      "b8:27:eb:xx:xx:xx": "username"
  1. Start homebridge manually from a command line:
nohup homebridge >~/.homebridge/homebridge.log 2>&1 &

Do not start homebridge automatically on boot, unless you enjoy redoing your HomeKit configuration. On startup, deCONZ doesn't persist any light resources; it only creates the resource under /lights after it has discovered the light. If you start homebridge before deCONZ has discovered all lights, the lights will be deleted from HomeKit. They will re-appear after you restart home bridge, but HomeKit will treat them as new lights, that need to be re-assigned to any HomeKit rooms, scenes, groups, and automations. See issue #4.