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GController :: A Controller implementation for GLib data types

The story so far...

Given a model-view-controller design, the current approach in GLib-based libraries is to encapsulate the data structure used for storage and add storage accessors that notify the view(s) of changes - thus conflating the model and the controller sides into one data structure.

Encapsulation of storage and controller has invariably led to some issues:

  • data replication: unless the model is an interface that resides at a lower level in the dependency chain, and that can be bolted on top of an existing data storage, there has to be a copy from the simple data storage types provided by GLib (GArray, GList, GHashTable, etc.) into the model itself.

  • data access replication: be the model an interface or a base class, it requires the implementation of an API to access the data from the storage, including iteration over the data storage.

  • loss of performance/generality: if a model has to be accessible from higher levels of the platform stack, it has to lose every knowledge of data types, or re-implement them abstractly, incurring in a loss of performance; conversely, if it can be placed at higher levels of the stack, it will become tied to the view structure, losing generality.

These issues have been nominally approached by different libraries in different ways - but always trying to maintain the model (data storage) and the controller angles together.

GController: An alternative angle of attack

Instead of collapsing both model and controller inside the same class it should be possible to devise a way to use simple data structures already provided by GLib for storage, access and iteration, and decouple the controller into a separate class.

Design requirements

  • must work with GLib data types:
    • GArray/GPtrArray
    • GSequence
    • GList/GSList
    • GHashTable
  • must not require changes to those data types
    • must be able to notify actions on the data types
  • must defer data access and iteration over to the data types


GController is the base, abstract class for controllers.

A specialized implementation of GController for a data type might be provided - e.g. GArrayController for GArray - but it is not necessary; a specialized implementation of GController for a model class might also be provided, though it's not necessary.

Every time an action is performed on the GArray, the GController has to:

  • create a GControllerReference
  • emit the GController::changed signal

For instance, given a GController created for a given GArray:

GController *controller = g_array_controller_new (array);

The GArrayController code for appending a value inside the GArray would look something like:

g_array_append (array, value);

GIndexSet *index =
  g_index_set_init_with_index (g_index_set_alloc (), array->len - 1);

GControllerEvent *event =
  g_controller_create_event (controller, G_CONTROLLER_ADD, index);

g_controller_emit_changed (controller, ref);
g_object_unref (ref);

This will result in the GController::changed signal being emitted; the signal has the following prototype:

void (* changed) (GController       *controller,
                  GControllerAction  action,
                  GControllerEvent  *event);

Implementations of the view for a given controller should use the changed signal to update themselves, for instance:

static void
on_changed (GController       *controller,
            GControllerAction  action,
            GControllerEvent  *event)
  GArray *array =
    g_array_controller_get_array (G_ARRAY_CONTROLLER (controller));
  const GIndexSet *indices =
    g_controller_event_get_indices (event);

  guint i = 0;
  while (g_index_set_next_index (indices, &i))
      /* get the value out of the array at the given index */
      Data *data = &g_array_index (array, Data, i);

      /* do something with Data */


A GControllerEvent is an object created by each GController, and it references four things:

  • the action that led to the creation of the reference
  • the type of the index inside the data storage controlled by the GController
  • the number of indices affected by the action on the data storage that caused the emission of the changed signal
  • the indices affected by the action on the data storage

The GControllerEvent does not store or replicate the data affected by the action recorded by the GController: it merely references where the View might find the data inside the storage.

Indices and Ranges



Prototype MVC classes for GLib/GObject







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