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Code by Eric Lemmon, scores and music by Anne Sophie Andersen and Eric Lemmon

This repository holds the scores, instructions, and code for the collaboration between Anne Sophie Andersen and Eric Lemmon for their work titled:

From Elemental Singularities to Unified Complexities:

a microcosmic journey

This work was premiered on the 2021 New Music for String festival held in Aarhus and Copenhagen Denmark.


Download performer instructions here.


NB: These instructions are for OSX only. The software does run well for windows, however. Some familiarity with PowerShell or another CLI is necessary.


If you haven't installed Python, install it by downloading it here. The software has been tested in Python 3.8 and up.

You can also install python through brew:

brew install python@3.10

Navigate to the directory that you want the folder to be downloaded to in the CLI of your choice (e.g. terminal on mac):

cd Users/your_user_name_here/Desktop

If you don't have git installed and your OS is OSX, you can open terminal and install it with other cli tools in x-code select:

xcode-select --install

Download the software by copying this into the CLI.

git clone

If you do not want to install CLI tools, you can also download the codebase as a .zip file:

Alternative code download

Install Pillow, a necessary python package:

python3 -m pip install Pillow

You are now ready to run From Elemental!

Running the Software

Now that you installed all the necessary dependencies for From Elemental, you can run it like so:

Navigate into the directory:

cd /path/to/from_elemental-main

You can achieve this easily by typing in cd + dragging the file directory into terminal.

Changing Directory Without Knowing Path

Run the program:



Instrument and Network Selection

There are several options to select from when the program runs.

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Selecting a particular instrument will define the scores that the respective player receives.

If the players are co-located and on the same local network, they can select the local network option to automatically distribute the scores available to each player.

If the players are not co-located or not on the same local network, they can set the score distribution manually.


The GUI offers three means by which a performer can select next the next image. If the performer is using a page turning foot pedal (like so), the performer can map the foot pedal to the left mouse button on their computer and tapping the pedal with the mouse cursor over the window will get the next image when the 'foot pedal' option is selected. The 'space bar' option is a convenience option for performance if the performer has no foot pedal available to them. In this case, the space bar will be an available trigger button that gets the next graphic or notated cell since the spacebar is a large key and towards the front of a laptop's keyboard. The 'next button' option, will only get images when the large 'next' button in the window is clicked. In all cases the next button will still work.

NB: because the base OS keycodes differ between mac and windows, sometimes the spacebar will not function on windows machines.


Enter a number that displays how many seconds in time before the work starts. This is helpful in both performance and rehearsal settings.


The section selection buttons are for rehearsal purposes. To start at the beginning of the piece, simply select Section 1.

Set Scores Manually

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The electronics player uses the score primarily to track the section that all the players are in (think of it as a timer on steroids if you are playing this part). So this performer can hit randomize and wait for the other players.

As described in the GUI, the lead player hits the randomize button, and then tells the other player(s) which cells are 'not selected'. The other player(s) then set 'not selected' for the options the lead player has as 'selected'. If there are more than two players (beyond the electronics part), the next player then hits randomize and the process continues until all the players have finished selecting cells.

Set Scores Automatically

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One player selects server, the other selects client. When the server option is selected it will autofill the server's local IP address, at which point the player who has selected client can copy the number. NB: if client is selected, you need to ask the player who has selected Server for the number in their text field—clicking 'Server' will give you your own (the client's) IP-Address and not the servers.

The server must submit first, otherwise the client will not be able to connect.

Main Score GUI

First Section

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In the main score GUI, during the first section, players are tacet. The quit button will always close out the entire program. During the first section, the 'NEXT CELL' button is disabled.

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Once the main score GUI progresses past the 3rd section, players can begin call for assigned cells based on the instructions provided at the top of this README.

Tutorials for Each Setting Configuration

If you have any questions about this software, feel free to contact me at