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Release Progress Template

Stéphane Épardaud edited this page Aug 21, 2017 · 18 revisions

This is the checklist for the Release Document


  • Check that all plugin files in dist/bin/ are up to date
  • Create release branch (version-X.Y.Z)
  • Apply and push version changes
  • Run all the tests
  • Tag the release


  • Build the release ZIP
  • Copy the ZIP to the server
  • Update ceylon/ceylon-debian-repo
  • Build DEB package
  • Copy DEB to the server
  • Create APT repo
  • Copy APT repo to the server
  • Update ceylon/ceylon-rpm-repo
  • Build RPM package
  • Copy RPM to the server
  • Create YUM repo
  • Copy YUM repo to the server


  • Update the ceylon/ceylon images
  • Update the ceylon/source-runner images
  • Update the ceylon/s2i-ceylon images

The Herd

  • Upload Ceylon to the Herd
  • Upload the SDK to the Herd
  • Publish the Herd upload


  • Update ceylon-ide-common
  • Build ceylon-ide-common
  • Update ceylon.formatter
  • Build ceylon.formatter
  • Update ceylon.tool.converter.java2ceylon
  • Build ceylon.tool.converter.java2ceylon
  • Update ceylon-ide-eclipse
  • Build ceylon-ide-eclipse
  • Deploy ceylon-ide-eclipse to DEV
  • Deploy ceylon-ide-eclipse to PROD
  • Update ceylon-ide-intellij
  • Build ceylon-ide-intellij
  • Deploy ceylon-ide-intellij

OSGi repos

  • Deploy distribution OSGi repo
  • Deploy SDK OSGi repo


  • Update the website
  • Remember to update spec including ePub (using pandoc)
  • Write blog
  • Publish the website

GitHub Release Notes

  • Created Release Notes

Brew formula

  • Update Brew formula
  • Made Pull Request
  • Brew formula accepted


  • Update the SDKMAN candidate
  • Announce the SDKMAN candidate


  • Ask Alex Szczuczko for a package
  • Package published


  • Update ceylon/openshift-cartridge
  • Update ceylon/ceylon.openshift
  • Publish ceylon/ceylon.openshift

Ceylon Swarm

  • Update Ceylon Swarm
  • Publish Ceylon Swarm


  • Update the Web IDE

Maven support

  • Maven repository
  • Maven plugin

Release announcements

  • Announce on Twitter
  • Announce on G+
  • Announce on Facebook


  • Change the milestone for all remaining open issues
  • Close the milestones on every project