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189 lines (153 loc) · 8.12 KB

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A JavaFX application that uses the Californium libraries to act as coap-client to discover and interact with coap-servers.



Unfortunately javaFX was only a short time part of the java-JRE/JDK releases, mainly for oracle's java 1.7 and java 1.8. For openjdk's and since java 11 it's required to be installed as separate SDK, specific to the java-JRE/JDK used.

See JavaFX/openJFX for general information around JavaFX. Downloads are available from Gluon - Downloads. For Windows, download the windows SDK, e.g. Gluon - Windows 64 bit, 17.0.2 or an other version/variant listed at that download page.

Unzip the content of the downloaded zip into <path>. The --module-path must then contain <path>\javafx-sdk-17.0.2\lib.

For Ubuntu or other linux distributions, there are also packages available.

sudo apt install openjfx


Using different versions of java and javafx may fail, ensure you use a proper pair.

Download pre-build jar

Prebuild jars are available from the Eclipse Repository.

Eclipse Repository - cf-browser-3.6.0.jar

Additional experimental TCP/TLS support (copy it to the same folder as the cf-browser-3.6.0.jar): Eclipse Repository - cf-cli-tcp-netty-3.6.0.jar


oracle-jdk-8 or openjdk-11:

Just use mvn to build it, as usual.

mvn clean install

Build for openjdk-8

Using openjdk-8 instead of oracle-jdk-8 requires to install openjfx-8 ahead. See Stackoverflow

sudo apt install \
  openjfx=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2 \
  libopenjfx-java=8u161-b12-1ubuntu2 \


sudo apt-mark hold \
  openjfx \
  libopenjfx-java \

to prevent further updates, though the current recommended version is for java 11.

Note: if openjfx was marked to hold the java 8 version, updating to java 11 requires to mark the above modules with unhold and update & upgrade them to the java 11 version.



java -jar cf-browser-3.6.0.jar

java-11 (module-path of Ubuntu 18.04):

java --module-path /usr/share/openjfx/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar cf-browser-3.6.0.jar

Note: If openjfx has been downloaded and installed manually, adapt the --module-path to <path>/javafx-sdk-???/lib.

Alternatively, when using Java 11 or later, the application can be started from the source folder using

mvn javafx:run


Usage: GUIClientFX [-hvV] [--help-auth] [--help-cipher] [--[no-]sni] [--[no-]
                   subject-verification] [--payload-format] [-C=FILE]
                   [-i=<identity>] [--local-port=<localPort>] [--mtu=<mtu>]
                   [--proxy=<proxy>] [--psk-index=<pskIndex>]
                   [--psk-store=<pskStore>] [--record-size=<recordSizeLimit>]
                   [--tag=<tag>] [-a=<authenticationModes>[:
                   <authenticationModes>...]]... [--cipher=<cipherSuites>[:
                   <cipherSuites>...]]... [--anonymous | [[-c=<certificate>]
                   [--private-key=<privateKey>]]] [-t=<trusted> | --trust-all]
                   [-s=<text> | --secrethex=<hex> | --secret64=<base64>]
                   [--json | --cbor | --xml | --text | --octets | --ctype=TYPE]
                   [--payload=<text> | --payloadhex=<hex> |
                   --payload64=<base64> | --payload-random=<size> |
                   --payload-file=<filename>] [--con | --non] [URI] [(more 
      [URI]                  destination URI. Default coap://localhost:5683
      [(more URIs)...]       additional destination URIs.
  -a, --auth=<authenticationModes>[:<authenticationModes>...]
                             use authentikation modes. '--help-auth' to list
                               available authentication modes.
      --anonymous            anonymous, no certificate.
  -c, --cert=<certificate>   certificate store. Format
                               keystore#hexstorepwd#hexkeypwd#alias or keystore.
                               pem. If the private key is not contained, use
                               '--private-key' to add it from a separate file.
  -C, --config=FILE          configuration file. Default Californium3.
      --cbor                 use cbor payload.
                             Use cid with length. 0 to support cid only without
                               using it.
                             use ciphersuites. '--help-cipher' to list
                               available cipher suites.
      --con                  send request confirmed.
      --ctype=TYPE           use content type for payload.
                             enable dtls auto-handshake with provided timeout.
                               Value in format time[unit], e.g. the recommended
                               value of "30[s]". Or time|unit, e.g. 30s.
                               Default disabled.
                             Specify usage of extended master secret.
  -h, --help                 display a help message
      --help-auth            display a help message for authentication modes
      --help-cipher          display a help message for cipher suites
  -i, --identity=<identity>  PSK identity
      --json                 use json payload.
                             local porty. Default ephemeral port.
      --mtu=<mtu>            MTU.
      --[no-]sni             enable/disable server-name indication.
                             enable/disable verification of server
                               certificate's subject.
      --non                  send request non-confirmed.
      --octets               use octet stream payload.
      --payload=<text>       payload, utf8
                             payload from file
      --payload-format       apply format to payload.
                             random payload size
      --payload64=<base64>   payload, base64
      --payloadhex=<hex>     payload, hexadecimal
                             private key store. Format
                               keystore#hexstorepwd#hexkeypwd#alias or keystore.
      --proxy=<proxy>        use proxy. <address>:<port>[:<scheme>]. Default
                               env-value of COAP_PROXY.
      --psk-index=<pskIndex> Index of identity in PSK store. Starts at 0.
      --psk-store=<pskStore> PSK store. Lines format: identity=secretkey (in
                             record size limit.
  -s, --secret=<text>        PSK secret, UTF-8
      --secret64=<base64>    PSK secret, base64
      --secrethex=<hex>      PSK secret, hexadecimal
  -t, --trusts=<trusted>     trusted certificates. Format
                               keystore#hexstorepwd#alias or truststore.pem
      --tag=<tag>            use logging tag.
      --text                 use plain-text payload.
      --trust-all            trust all valid certificates.
  -v, --[no-]verbose         verbose
  -V, --version              display version info
      --xml                  use xml payload.