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Add test cases for KubernetesStringUtils
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Signed-off-by: Angel Misevski <>
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amisevsk committed Feb 10, 2017
1 parent 558c5ba commit 1be7e29
Showing 1 changed file with 224 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Red Hat, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.che.plugin.openshift.client.kubernetes;

import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;

import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class KubernetesStringUtilsTest {

public void getNormalizedStringShouldTrimLongStrings() {
// Given
String input = RandomStringUtils.random(70, true, true);
String expected = input.substring(0, 62);

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.getNormalizedString(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, expected, "getNormalizedString should limit string length");

public void getNormalizedStringShouldDoNothingWithShortStrings() {
// Given
String input = RandomStringUtils.random(24, true, true);
String expected = input;

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.getNormalizedString(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, expected, "getNormalizedString should do nothing to short strings");

public void convertPullSpecToImageStreamNameShouldTrimTag() {
// Given
String input = "testImage:testTag";
String expected = "testImage";

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToImageStreamName(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, expected, "Should trim tag off pull spec");

public void convertPullSpecToImageStreamNameShouldBeValidOpenShiftName() {
// Given
String input = "eclipse/ubuntu_jdk8";

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToImageStreamName(input);

// Then
assertTrue(!output.contains("/"), "Should remove invalid chars from ImageStream name");

public void converPullSpecToImageStreamNameShouldLimitLength() {
// Given
String input = RandomStringUtils.random(100, true, false);

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToImageStreamName(input);

// Then
assertTrue(output.length() < 64, "ImageStream name cannot be over 63 chars");

public void convertPullSpecToTagNameShouldIgnoreRegistryAndTag() {
// Given
String inputWithRegistry = "registry/organisation/image:tag";
String inputWithoutRegistry = "image";

// When
String outputWithRegistry = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToTagName(inputWithRegistry);
String outputWithoutRegistry = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToTagName(inputWithoutRegistry);

// Then
"Converting pull spec to tag name should only use image name");

public void convertPullSpecToTagNameShouldLimitLength() {
// Given
String input = RandomStringUtils.random(100, true, false);

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToTagName(input);

// Then
assertTrue(output.length() < 63, "ImageStream tag cannot be over 63 chars");

public void createImageStreamTagNameShouldConvertNameInSameWayAsConvertPullSpec() {
// Given
String inputOldRepo = "eclipse/ubuntu_jdk8";
String inputNewRepo = "eclipse-che/che-workspace_" + RandomStringUtils.random(20);
String expectedImageStreamName = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToImageStreamName(inputOldRepo);

// When
String rawOutput = KubernetesStringUtils.createImageStreamTagName(inputOldRepo, inputNewRepo);

// Then
assertTrue(rawOutput.contains(":"), "ImageStreamTag name is invalid: must contain ':'");
String outputImageStreamName = rawOutput.split(":")[0];
"ImageStreamName should match output of convertPullSpecToImageStreamName");

public void createImageStreamTagNameShouldConvertTagInSameWayAsConvertPullSpec() {
// Given
String inputOldRepo = "eclipse/ubuntu_jdk8";
String inputNewRepo = "eclipse-che/che-workspace_" + RandomStringUtils.random(20);
String expectedTagName = KubernetesStringUtils.convertPullSpecToTagName(inputNewRepo);

// When
String rawOutput = KubernetesStringUtils.createImageStreamTagName(inputOldRepo, inputNewRepo);

// Then
assertTrue(rawOutput.contains(":"), "ImageStreamTag name is invalid: must contain ':'");
String outputImageStreamName = rawOutput.split(":")[1];
"ImageStream Tag should match output of convertPullSpecToTagName");

public void createImageStreamTagNameShouldLimitLengthOfCreatedTag() {
// Given
String inputOldRepo = RandomStringUtils.random(50, true, false);
String inputNewRepo = RandomStringUtils.random(50, true, false);

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.createImageStreamTagName(inputOldRepo, inputNewRepo);

// Then
assertTrue(output.length() < 63, "ImageStreamTags must be shorter than 63 characters");

public void getImageStreamNameFromPullSpecShouldReturnOnlyImageName() {
// Given
String input = "registry/organisation/imagename:tagname";
String expected = "imagename";

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.getImageStreamNameFromPullSpec(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, expected);

public void stripTagFromPullSpecShouldRemoveTag() {
// Given
String input = "registry/organisation/imagename:tagname";
String expected = "registry/organisation/imagename";

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.stripTagFromPullSpec(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, expected);

public void stripTagFromPullSpecShouldDoNothingIfNoTag() {
// Given
String input = "registry/organisation/imagename";

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.stripTagFromPullSpec(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, input);

public void getTagNameFromPullSpecShouldReturnTag() {
// Given
String input = "registry/organisation/imagename:tagname";
String expected = "tagname";

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.getTagNameFromPullSpec(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, expected);

public void getTagNameFromPullSpecShouldReturnNullWhenPullSpecDoesNotHaveTag() {
// Given
String input = "registry/organisation/imagename";

// When
String output = KubernetesStringUtils.getTagNameFromPullSpec(input);

// Then
assertEquals(output, null);

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