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1.0.0 Release

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@tortmayr tortmayr released this 03 Jul 21:34
· 78 commits to master since this release


  • [navigation] Avoid changing the viewport twice when navigating to a diagram element. #102
  • [example] Improved and modernized styling of the GLSP workflow example #103
  • [diagram] Attached mouseLeave and mouseEnter listeners to the GLSPDiagramWidget. These listener add/remove corresponding css classes which can be used to apply custom styling dependent on the the relative mouse position. #113
  • [build] Updated Typescript to version 4.5.5 and enforced noImplicitOverride #110

Breaking Changes

  • [theia] Updated Theia dependencies to >=1.25.0. Due API breaks Theia version <1.25.0 are no longer supported. #105 #111 #116
  • [protocol] Adapt to renamed ModelSourceChangedAction and handler #117
  • Refactored JavaSocketServerContribution to be able to both launching of Java and node processes. #115
    • Renamed JavaSocketServeContribution -> GLSPSocketServerContribution
    • JavaSocketServerLaunchOptions
      • Renamed to GLSPSocketServerContributionOptions
      • Renamed jarPath property to executable

Note: Due to a transitive dependency to sprotty-theia it's currently not possible to safely restrict the maximum version of Theia packages. If you encounter build errors related to multiple resolved Theia versions please add a resolutions block to the package.json of your project:

 "resolutions": {
    "**/@theia/core": "1.26.0",
    "**/@theia/editor": "1.26.0",
    "**/@theia/filesystem": "1.26.0",
    "**/@theia/messages": "1.26.0",
    "**/@theia/monaco": "1.26.0"