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SDawley authored and akurtakov committed Aug 20, 2022
1 parent 64b342e commit 3f8ff73
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Showing 2 changed files with 197 additions and 112 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ public class ResultsData{
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Expand Up @@ -57,14 +57,20 @@ public void stop() {
// Do nothing

* Reference for interpreting variable names:
* For the test org.eclipse.jface.tests.performance.FastTreeTest.testAddFifty
* component = org.eclupse.jface
* class = FastTreeTest
* scenarioID = testAddFifty
public static void run(String[] args) {


//Initialize results data
//Import results data
ResultsData results = new ResultsData(CURRENT_BUILD, BASELINE_BUILD);
try {
// import data
System.out.println("INFO: Start importing " + inputFiles.size() + " performance data files.");
for (Path inputFile : inputFiles) {
Expand All @@ -77,8 +83,7 @@ public static void run(String[] args) {
//Sort all scenarios into components, then make html file per component
Set<String> scenarioIDs = results.getCurrentScenarios();
ArrayList<String> usedComponents = new ArrayList<>();
//group scenarios by component for making tables
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> componentMap = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> componentMap = new HashMap<>(); //scenarios grouped by component

//get components from scenario name, for simplicity I'm just grabing everthing before .test/.tests but eventually should be mapped to actual components
for (String scenarioID : scenarioIDs) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,6 +117,62 @@ public static void run(String[] args) {


//copy basicPerformance.php from templatefiles
String phpFileName = buildDirectory + "/basicPerformance.php";
File phpFile = new File(phpFileName);

try (OutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(phpFile))){
catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.err.println(EOL + "ERROR: File not found exception while writing: " + phpFile.getPath());
catch (final IOException ex) {
System.err.println(EOL + "ERROR: IOException writing: " + phpFile.getPath());


* Create basicResultsIndex.html file
private static void createIndex(ArrayList<String> usedComponents) {
String htmlString = EOL;

for (String component : usedComponents) {
htmlString = htmlString + "<a href=\"./basicPerformance.php" +
"?name=" + component +
"&build=" + CURRENT_BUILD +
"&baseline=" + BASELINE_BUILD +
"\">" + component + "*</a><br>" + EOL;

//create file
String outputFileName = buildDirectory + "/BasicResultsIndex.html";
File outputFile = new File(outputFileName);

try (OutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))){
catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.err.println("ERROR: File not found exception while writing: " + outputFile.getPath());
catch (final IOException ex) {
System.err.println("ERROR: IOException writing: " + outputFile.getPath());

* Create *_BasicResults.html files
private static void createResultsTables(ResultsData results, ArrayList<String> usedComponents, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> componentMap ) {
//for checking if a test has a baseline to reference
Set<String> baselineScenarios = results.getBaselineScenarios();

Expand All @@ -120,90 +181,90 @@ public static void run(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> scenarioList = componentMap.get(component);

//set up html string
String htmlString = "";
//htmlString = htmlString + EOL + "<h2>Performance of " + component + ": " + CURRENT_BUILD + " relative to " + BASELINE_BUILD + "</h2>" + EOL;
//htmlString = htmlString + EOL + "<a href=\"performance.php?fp_type=0\">Back to global results</a>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + EOL + "<h3>All " + scenarioList.size() + " scenarios:</h3>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + EOL + "<p>Times are given in milliseconds.</p>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<table border=\"1\">" + EOL + "<tr>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>Class</h4></td>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>Name</h4></td>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>Elapsed Process (Current)</h4></td>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>Elapsed Process (Baseline)</h4></td>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>Difference</h4></td>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>CPU Time (Current)</h4></td>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>CPU Time (Baseline)</h4>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td><h4>Difference</h4>" + EOL;

//Variables for aggregate data
double componentEPCurrent = 0;
double componentEPBaseline = 0;
double componentCPUCurrent = 0;
double componentCPUBaseline = 0;
HashMap<String, double[]> classMap = new HashMap<>;

String scenarioTable = makeHeader(true);
for (String scenario : scenarioList) {
String[] scenarioParts = null;
String componentClass = null;
String componentName = null;
String[] scenarioClassName = {null, null}; //class, name

//swt is different
if (scenario.contains("swt")) {
scenarioParts = scenario.split("\\.");
componentName = scenarioParts[scenarioParts.length - 1];
String scenarioParts = scenario.split("\\.");
scenarioClassName[1] = scenarioParts[scenarioParts.length - 1];
for (int i=0; i < (scenarioParts.length - 1); i++ ) {
componentClass = componentClass + scenarioParts[i] + ".";
scenarioClassName[0] = scenarioClassName[0] + scenarioParts[i] + ".";
//trim final .
componentClass = componentClass.substring(0, componentClass.length()-1);
scenarioClassName[0] = scenarioClassName[0].substring(0, scenarioClassName[0].length()-1);
} else {
scenarioParts = scenario.split("#");
componentClass = scenarioParts[0];
componentName = scenarioParts[1];
String scenarioParts = scenario.split("#");
scenarioClassName[0] = scenarioParts[0];
scenarioClassName[1] = scenarioParts[1];

double[] currentData = results.getData("current", scenario);
String elapsedCurrent = String.valueOf(currentData[0]);
String cpuCurrent = String.valueOf(currentData[1]);

String elapsedBaseline = "N/A";
String cpuBaseline = "N/A";

String elapsedPercent = "N/A";
String cpuPercent = "N/A";

String elapsedColor = "#4CE600";
String cpuColor = "#4CE600";
double[] baselineData = null; //null in case no baseline

if (baselineScenarios.contains(scenario)) {
double[] baselineData = results.getData("baseline", scenario);

elapsedBaseline = String.valueOf(baselineData[0]);
cpuBaseline = String.valueOf(baselineData[1]);

double elapsedDifference = baselineData[0] - currentData[0];
double cpuDifference = baselineData[1] - currentData[1];

double elapsedPercentValue = Math.abs(elapsedDifference / baselineData[0]) * 100;
double cpuPercentValue = Math.abs(cpuDifference / baselineData[1]) * 100;

elapsedPercent = String.format("%.2f", elapsedPercentValue) + "%";
cpuPercent = String.format("%.2f", cpuPercentValue) + "%";

if (elapsedDifference < 0) {
elapsedColor = "D7191C";
if (cpuDifference < 0) {
cpuColor = "D7191C";
baselineData = results.getData("baseline", scenario);

//only add times to aggregate totals if there's also a baseline, otherwise will inflate current times.
if (classMap.contains(scenarioClassName[0])) { //add data
double[] classData = classMap.get(scenarioClassName[0]);
double classEPCurrent = classData[0] + currentData[0];
double classCPUCurrent = classData[1] + currentData[1];
double classEPBaseline = classData[2] + baselineData[0];
double classCPUBaseline = classData[3] + baselineData[1];
double[] newClassData = {classEPCurrent, classCPUCurrent, classEPBaseline, classCPUBaseline};
classMap.replace(scenarioClassName[0], newClassData);

componentEPCurrent += currentData[0];
componentCPUCurrent += currentData[1];
componentEPBaseline += baselineData[0];
componentCPUBaseline += baselineData[1];
} else { //add to map
double[] classData = {currentData[0], currentData[1], baselineData[0], baselineData[1]}; //currentEP, currentCPU, baselineEP, baselineCPU
classMap.put(scenarioClassName[0], classData);
componentEPCurrent += currentData[0];
componentCPUCurrent += currentData[1];
componentEPBaseline += baselineData[0];
componentCPUBaseline += baselineData[1];


htmlString = htmlString + "<tr>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td>" + componentClass + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td>" + componentName + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td>" + elapsedCurrent + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td>" + elapsedBaseline + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td bgcolor=\"" + elapsedColor + "\">" + elapsedPercent + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td>" + cpuCurrent + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td>" + cpuBaseline + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<td bgcolor=\"" + cpuColor + "\">" + cpuPercent + EOL;
scenarioTable += makeTableRow(scenarioClassName, currentData, baselineData);
scenarioTable += "</table>" + EOL;

//create class and component tables
String componentTable = makeHeader(false);
componentTable += makeTableRow({component, null}, {componentEPCurrent, componentCPUCurrent}, {componentEPBaseline, componentCPUBaseline});
componentTable += "</table>" + EOL;

htmlString = htmlString + "</table>" + EOL;
String classTable = makeHeader(false);
for (String class : classMap.keySet()) {
classData = classMap.get(class);
classTable += makeTableRow({class, null}, {classData[0], classData[1]}, {classData[2], classData[3]});
classTable += "</table>" + EOL;

//assemble final html string
String htmlString = EOL + "<p>Times are given in milliseconds.</p>" + EOL +
"<h3>Total Component Time:</h3>" + EOL +
componentTable + EOL +
"<h3>Total Class Times:</h3>" + EOL +
classTable + EOL +
"<h3>All " + scenarioList.size() + " individual scenarios:</h3>" + EOL +
scenarioTable + EOL;

//create file
String outputFileName = buildDirectory + "/" + component + "_BasicTable.html";
Expand All @@ -220,53 +281,77 @@ public static void run(String[] args) {
System.err.println("ERROR: IOException writing: " + outputFile.getPath());

private static String makeHeader(boolean scenario) {
String htmlString = "<table border=\"1\">" + EOL +
"<thead>" + EOL +
"<tr>" + EOL +
"<th>Class</th>" + EOL;
if (scenario) {
htmlString += "<th>Scenario</th>" + EOL;
htmlString = htmlString + "<th>Elapsed Process (Current)</th>" + EOL +
"<th>Elapsed Process (Baseline)</th>" + EOL +
"<th>Difference</th>" + EOL +
"<th>CPU Time (Current)</th>" + EOL +
"<th>CPU Time (Baseline)</th>" + EOL +
"<th>Difference</th>" + EOL +
"</tr>" + EOL;

return htmlString;

//make basicResultsIndex.html file
String htmlString = "";
htmlString = htmlString + EOL;
private static String makeTableRow(String[] className, double[] currentData, double[] baselineData) {
String elapsedCurrent = String.valueOf(currentData[0]);
String cpuCurrent = String.valueOf(currentData[1]);

for (String component : usedComponents) {
htmlString = htmlString + "<a href=\"./basicPerformance.php" +
"?name=" + component +
"&build=" + CURRENT_BUILD +
"&baseline=" + BASELINE_BUILD +
"\">" + component + "*</a><br>" + EOL;
String elapsedBaseline = "N/A";
String cpuBaseline = "N/A";

//create file
String outputFileName = buildDirectory + "/BasicResultsIndex.html";
File outputFile = new File(outputFileName);
String elapsedPercent = "N/A";
String cpuPercent = "N/A";

try (OutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))){
catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.err.println("ERROR: File not found exception while writing: " + outputFile.getPath());
catch (final IOException ex) {
System.err.println("ERROR: IOException writing: " + outputFile.getPath());
String elapsedColor = "#4CE600";
String cpuColor = "#4CE600";

//copy basicPerformance.php from templatefiles
String phpFileName = buildDirectory + "/basicPerformance.php";
File phpFile = new File(phpFileName);
if (baselineData[0]) { //if baseline data isn't null
elapsedBaseline = String.valueOf(baselineData[0]);
cpuBaseline = String.valueOf(baselineData[1]);

try (OutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(phpFile))){
catch (final FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.err.println(EOL + "ERROR: File not found exception while writing: " + phpFile.getPath());
catch (final IOException ex) {
System.err.println(EOL + "ERROR: IOException writing: " + phpFile.getPath());
double elapsedDifference = baselineData[0] - currentData[0];
double cpuDifference = baselineData[1] - currentData[1];

double elapsedPercentValue = Math.abs(elapsedDifference / baselineData[0]) * 100;
double cpuPercentValue = Math.abs(cpuDifference / baselineData[1]) * 100;

elapsedPercent = String.format("%.2f", elapsedPercentValue) + "%";
cpuPercent = String.format("%.2f", cpuPercentValue) + "%";

if (elapsedDifference < 0) {
elapsedColor = "D7191C";
if (cpuDifference < 0) {
cpuColor = "D7191C";

String htmlString = "<tr>" + EOL +
"<td>" + className[0] + EOL;
if (className[1]) {
htmlString += "<td>" + className[1] + EOL;
htmlString += "<td>" + elapsedCurrent + EOL +
"<td>" + elapsedBaseline + EOL +
"<td bgcolor=\"" + elapsedColor + "\">" + elapsedPercent + EOL +
"<td>" + cpuCurrent + EOL +
"<td>" + cpuBaseline + EOL +
"<td bgcolor=\"" + cpuColor + "\">" + cpuPercent + EOL +
"</tr>" + EOL;

return htmlString;

//args = baseline, current build, input file array
Expand Down

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