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first draft of ref #14667
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Signed-off-by: m-kro <>
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m-kro committed May 8, 2024
1 parent b157c57 commit 53b1403
Showing 1 changed file with 208 additions and 0 deletions.
208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
# Copyright (C) 2010-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
# Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
# or later which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later

# @file
# @author Mirko Barthauer
# @date 2024-04-04

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import sys
import random
import math

if 'SUMO_HOME' in os.environ:
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'tools'))
import sumolib # noqa

def getOptions(args=None):
argParser = sumolib.options.ArgumentParser(
description="Add charging stations on parkings and rebuild parkings if necessary")
argParser.add_argument("-n", "--net-file", category="input", dest="netFile", required=True,
help="define the net file (mandatory)")
argParser.add_argument("-a", "--add-file", category="input", dest="addFile", required=True,
help="define the base parking areas")
argParser.add_argument("--selection-file", category="input", dest="selectionFile",
help="optionally restrict the parking area to the selected net part")
argParser.add_argument("-o", "--output-file", category="output", dest="outFile",
default="parkingCharging.add.xml", help="define the output filename")
argParser.add_argument("-p", "--probability", category="processing", type=float, default=1,
help="Probability for an edge to receive a charging station")
argParser.add_argument("-d", "--density", category="processing", type=float, default=0.1,
help="Share of parking spaces on the edge which should get charging points")
argParser.add_argument("--power", category="processing", type=float, default=100,
help="Charging power of the charging station")
argParser.add_argument("--efficiency", category="processing", type=float, default=0.95,
help="Charging efficiency")
argParser.add_argument("--min", category="processing", type=int, default=0,
help="Minimum number of charging points")
argParser.add_argument("--max", category="processing", type=int, default=int(1e9),
help="Maximum number of charging points")
argParser.add_argument("--prefix", category="processing", default="cs", help="prefix for the charging station IDs")
argParser.add_argument("--suffix", category="processing", default="_shift",
help="suffix for ID of splitted parkingArea")
argParser.add_argument("-s", "--seed", category="processing", type=int, default=42, help="random seed")
argParser.add_argument("--random", category="processing", action="store_true", default=False,
help="use a random seed to initialize the random number generator")
argParser.add_argument("--vclass", category="processing", default="passenger",
help="only use edges which permit the given vehicle class")
argParser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", category="processing", action="store_true",
default=False, help="tell me what you are doing")

options = argParser.parse_args(args=args)
if not options.netFile:
options.min = max(0, options.min)
options.max = max(0, options.max)
if options.min > options.max:
print("Will swap min and max charging point number due to wrong order (%d > %d)" % (options.min, options.max))
options.min, options.max = options.max, options.min
options.density = max(0., min(options.density, 1.))

return options

def hasOppositeEdge(edge):
toNode = edge.getToNode()
fromNode = edge.getFromNode()
return fromNode in [e.getToNode() for e in toNode.getOutgoing()]

def main(options):
if not options.random:

net =
checkSelection = False
if options.selectionFile is not None:
checkSelection = True

# read parkingArea data
edge2parkingArea = {}
additionals = list(sumolib.xml.parse(options.addFile, "additional"))[0]
totalCapacity = 0
for node in additionals.getChildList():
if != "parkingArea":
edge = net.getLane(node.lane).getEdge()
capacity = sum(determineParkingCapacity(node))
if edge not in edge2parkingArea:
edge2parkingArea[edge] = []
edge2parkingArea[edge].append((node, capacity))
totalCapacity += capacity

# iterate edges with parkingArea groups and randomly select a charging point count
totalChargingPoints = math.floor(totalCapacity * options.probability * options.density)
csIndex = 0
with open(options.outFile, 'w') as outf:
alreadyChecked = []
for edge in edge2parkingArea:
if (checkSelection and not edge.isSelected()) or edge in alreadyChecked:
randomNumber = random.random()
if randomNumber < options.probability:
capacities = [p[1] for p in edge2parkingArea[edge]]
parkingSum = sum(capacities)
if parkingSum < options.min:
chargingPointCount = min(totalChargingPoints, parkingSum, options.min +
round((options.max - options.min) * randomNumber/options.probability))

# first check if the charging point fits exactly one parkingArea
remainingChargingPoints = chargingPointCount
for i in range(len(capacities)):
if capacities[i] >= remainingChargingPoints:
options, additionals, edge, edge2parkingArea[edge][i][0], remainingChargingPoints, "%s%d" % (options.prefix, csIndex))
csIndex += 1
remainingChargingPoints = 0
# then distribute across the parkingAreas in definition order
capacities = [p[1] for p in edge2parkingArea[edge]]
for i in range(len(capacities)):
installChargingPoints = min(remainingChargingPoints, capacities[i])
result = addChargingStation(
options, additionals, edge, edge2parkingArea[edge][i][0], installChargingPoints, "%s%d" % (options.prefix, csIndex))
# print("added charging station with %d points on parkingArea %s %s" % (installChargingPoints, edge2parkingArea[edge][i][0].id, result))
csIndex += 1
remainingChargingPoints -= installChargingPoints
if remainingChargingPoints == 0:
totalChargingPoints -= chargingPointCount

if totalChargingPoints <= 0:
print("charging point balance: %d" % totalChargingPoints)

def addChargingStation(options, root, edge, parkingArea, chargingPoints, csID):
parkingCapacity = determineParkingCapacity(parkingArea)
if chargingPoints <= sum(parkingCapacity):
# downsize parkingArea and create a new one for the remaining parking spaces
chargingRoadSide = min(parkingCapacity[0], chargingPoints)
chargingOnSpaces = chargingPoints - chargingRoadSide
shiftRoadSideCapacity = parkingCapacity[0] - chargingRoadSide
shiftSpaces = parkingCapacity[1] - chargingOnSpaces
startPos = float(parkingArea.startPos) if parkingArea.startPos is not None else 0
endPos = float(parkingArea.endPos) if parkingArea.endPos is not None else edge.getLength()
posDownSize = (startPos, endPos) if chargingOnSpaces > 0 else (
startPos, startPos + (endPos - startPos)*chargingRoadSide/parkingCapacity[0])
parkingArea.roadsideCapacity = str(chargingRoadSide)
if shiftRoadSideCapacity + shiftSpaces > 0:
parkingArea.setAttribute("startPos", str(posDownSize[0]))
parkingArea.setAttribute("endPos", str(posDownSize[1]))
posShift = (posDownSize[0], posDownSize[1]
) if chargingRoadSide == parkingCapacity[0] else (posDownSize[1], endPos)
spacesToShift = []
if shiftSpaces > 0:
shiftedPaDict = {t[0]: t[1] for t in parkingArea.getAttributes()}
shiftedPaDict["id"] = "%s%s" % (shiftedPaDict["id"], options.suffix)
shiftedPaDict["startPos"] = str(posShift[0])
shiftedPaDict["endPos"] = str(posShift[1])
shiftedPaDict["roadsideCapacity"] = str(shiftRoadSideCapacity)
shiftedParkingArea = root.addChild(, shiftedPaDict, sortAttrs=False)
for spaceToShift in spacesToShift:
spaceDict = {t[0]: t[1] for t in spaceToShift.getAttributes()}
shiftedParkingArea.addChild(, spaceDict)
root.addChild("chargingStation", {"id": csID,
"lane": parkingArea.lane,
"startPos": parkingArea.startPos,
"endPos": parkingArea.endPos,
"power": str(options.power),
"efficiency": str(options.efficiency),
"parkingArea":}, sortAttrs=False)
return True
return False

def determineParkingCapacity(parkingArea):
roadSide = int(parkingArea.roadsideCapacity)
spaces = 0
if parkingArea.hasChild("space"):
spaces += len(
return (roadSide, spaces)

if __name__ == "__main__":
if not main(getOptions()):

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