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Generic, pluggable uStreamer that should be usable in most places we need to bridge from one transport to another.


Implementation of the uProtocol's uStreamer specification in Rust.

Visual Breakdown

    participant main thread
    participant TransportForwarder - Foo
    participant TransportForwarder - Bar
    participant UPClientFoo owned thread / task
    participant UPClientBar owned thread / task

    main thread->>main thread: let utransport_foo: Arc<dyn UTransport> = Arc::new(UPClientFoo::new())
    main thread->>main thread: let local_authority = ...
    main thread->>main thread: let local_endpoint = Endpoint::new(local_authority.clone(), utransport_foo.clone())

    main thread->>main thread: let utransport_bar: Arc<dyn UTransport> = Arc::new(UPClientBar::new())
    main thread->>main thread: let remote_authority = ...
    main thread->>main thread: let remote_endpoint = Endpoint::new(remote_authority.clone(), utransport_bar.clone())
    main thread->>main thread: let ustreamer = UStreamer::new()

    main thread->>main thread: ustreamer.add_forwarding_rule(local_endpoint, remote_endpoint)
    main thread->>TransportForwarder - Foo: launch TransportForwarder - Foo
    activate TransportForwarder - Foo
    main thread->>UPClientFoo owned thread / task: (within ustreamer.add_forwarding_rule()) <br> local_endpoint.transport.lock().await.register_listener <br> (uauthority_to_uuri(remote_endpoint.authority), forwarding_listener).await
    activate UPClientFoo owned thread / task

    main thread->>main thread: ustreamer.add_forwarding_rule(remote_endpoint, local_endpoint)
    main thread->>TransportForwarder - Bar: launch TransportForwarder - Bar
    activate TransportForwarder - Bar
    main thread->>UPClientBar owned thread / task: (within ustreamer.add_forwarding_rule()) <br> remote_endpoint.transport.lock().await.register_listener <br> (uauthority_to_uuri(local_endpoint.authority), forwarding_listener).await
    activate UPClientBar owned thread / task

    loop Park the main thread, let background tasks run until closing UStreamer app

        par UPClientFoo thread / task calls ForwardingListener.on_receive()

            UPClientFoo owned thread / task->>UPClientFoo owned thread / task: forwarding_listener.on_receive(UMessage)
            UPClientFoo owned thread / task-->>TransportForwarder - Foo: Send UMesssage over channel
            TransportForwarder - Foo->>TransportForwarder - Foo: out_transport.send(UMessage) <br> (out_transport => utransport_bar in this case)


        par UPClientBar thread / task calls ForwardingListener.on_receive()

            UPClientBar owned thread / task->>UPClientBar owned thread / task: forwarding_listener.on_receive(UMessage)
            UPClientBar owned thread / task-->>TransportForwarder - Bar: Send UMesssage over channel
            TransportForwarder - Bar->>TransportForwarder - Bar: out_transport.send(UMessage) <br> (out_transport => utransport_foo in this case)


        deactivate UPClientFoo owned thread / task
        deactivate UPClientBar owned thread / task
        deactivate TransportForwarder - Foo
        deactivate TransportForwarder - Bar


Generating cargo docs locally

Documentation can be generated locally with:

cargo doc --package up-streamer --open

which will open your browser to view the docs.

Getting Started

Working with the library

up-streamer-rust is generic and pluggable and can serve your needs so long as

  • Each transport you want to bridge over has a up-client-foo-rust library and UPClientFoo struct which has impled UTransport


After following along with the cargo docs generated to add all your forwarding rules, you'll then need to keep the instantiated UStreamer around and then pause the main thread, so it will not exit, while the routing happens in the background threads spun up.

Implementation Status

  • Routing of Request, Response, and Notification Messages
  • Routing of Publish messages (requires further development of uSubscription interface)
  • Mechanism to retrieve messages received on and sent over transports


Generic uStreamer implementation written in Rust







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