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Developer Guide

Compilation of the complete GEMOC Studio


The source code of the [GEMOC Studio]( is currently spread among different git repositories in Eclipse organization.

This project relies on the presence of the correct git repositories (cloned with the correct name) to locally build a working studio.


First checkout the git repositories :

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Note: the repositories must keep their names (Ie. do not change the destination folder name) as the maven pom file expects to find them at specific locations.

Then compile using maven:

cd gemoc-studio/dev_support/full_compilation
mvn package -Dmaven.repo.local=$PWD/localm2

We use one options:

  • -Dmaven.repo.local=$PWD/localm2: use a folder called localm2 to cache all the external dependencies of the studio, instead of using the user local maven repository. Since the GEMOC Studio a full eclipse package and has around 1GB of dependencies, this avoids using this much space in a hidden folder of the user home dir.

If you prefer to use your own local maven repository (ie. in <HOME>/.m2/repository), remove the use of -Dmaven.repo.local, ie. use this command:

mvn package

If you already compiled and resolved all dependencies at least once (ie. if you filled your local maven repository with everything needed for the build), add the option -o to perform an offline only build, which is significantly faster since it skips checking all maven repositories online.

In the end, the result can be found in gemoc_studio/gemoc_studio/releng/org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_studio.product/target/products/, with one studio zip per platform.

The build also assemble complementary results:

  • an update site, available in gemoc_studio/gemoc_studio/releng/org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_studio.product/target/repository/

  • an archivable version of the web help; available in gemoc-studio/docs/

Advanced usage using docker

If you have trouble to reproduce a bug in the CI or want to make sure that the CI will pass, you can run the maven build in a docker that mimic the CI environment.

build image

To do a full build using docker: go to the docker folder (/gemoc-studio/dev_support/full_compilation/docker), then call the command

docker-compose down && docker-compose up
docker build -t "gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest" .

Changes commited in master branch are automatically built and deployed on docker hub:

Manual launch

A standard full build is done using the command:

docker run -it -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 --user 1000 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest ./


  • $PWD/../../../.. points to the root containing all gemoc sources

  • --user 1000 makes sure to use your user uid (use id -u or `echo $UID`to get yours user uid if this isn’t 1000)

Once the full compilation has been done at least once (ie. and filled the m2 cache), you can run the system test only using the command

docker-compose run gemoc_full_compilation system_test_only

Or you can run a full build but including only the linux variant using:

docker run -it -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 --user 1000 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest ./ linux


docker-compose run gemoc_full_compilation linux_offline
Description of the docker env

The Dockerfile defines a docker image based on ubuntu 16.04 with maven, oracle java8, xvfb, and graphviz. It embeds an script that calls the maven command. The docker-compose.yml will mount the folder containing all gemoc repositories (ie. the place where you’ve done git clone) It also mounts a cache-m2 folder in order to speed up the compilation.

The docker-compose command is more or less equivalent to:

docker build -t gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest .
docker run -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest

Then you’ll have to manually prune unused containers after usage.

If for some reason you wish to access it interactively you can use the following command:

docker run -it -v $PWD/../../../..:/home/jenkins/src -v $PWD/cache-m2:/home/jenkins/.m2 --user 1000 gemoc/gemoc-full-compilation:latest /bin/bash