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Adding a new bundle to Kura

Marcello Rinaldo Martina edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 3 revisions

Adding a new Kura bundle to the Kura distribution requires:

  1. Add the project itself to the kura directory. As an example we will use the org.eclipse.kura.filesystem.logprovider bundle.
  2. Add the project to the <modules> list in kura/pom.xml.
  3. In kura/distrib/config/ add the bundle and Maven version to the list.
  4. Edit kura/distrib/pom.xml:
    • Add the dependency to the artifactItem list.
    • Add the file to the move list.
      <move file="target/plugins/org.eclipse.kura.log.filesystem.provider.jar"
           tofile="target/plugins/org.eclipse.kura.log.filesystem.provider_${org.eclipse.kura.log.filesystem.provider.version}.jar" />
    • Do the same to the copy list. If you need to have this bundle in the emulator or the dev-env, then edit the proper sections.
  5. Edit kura/distrib/src/main/ant/build_equinox_distrib.xml:
    • Add an antcall with the config reference.
      <!-- Filesystem log provider bundle config -->
      <antcall target="filesystem-logprovider-config" />
    • Add an antcall for the jar reference.
      <antcall target="filesystem-logprovider-jar" />
    • Add a zip entry to one of the jar targets.
      <target name="filesystem-logprovider-config">
              <entry key="osgi.bundles" operation="+"
              value=", reference:file:${kura.install.dir}/${kura.symlink}/${plugins.folder}/org.eclipse.kura.log.filesystem.provider_${org.eclipse.kura.log.filesystem.provider.version}.jar@4:start" />
      <target name="filesystem-logprovider-jar">
          <zip destfile="${}/${}.zip"
              file="${}/plugins/org.eclipse.kura.log.filesystem.provider_${org.eclipse.kura.log.filesystem.provider.version}.jar" prefix="${}/${plugins.folder}" />

Old resource also suggests to:

  • Add a copy to one of the jar-win targets.
  • Edit karaf/features.
  • Add this bundle with its maven coordinates to one of the features (runtime, core, linux).
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